Celeste Solum - Synthetic Biology EXPOSED - The Globalist End Game Plan

1 year ago

***Must See*** ***Shocking***

These global pricks don't need us anymore, they are going to Synthetic Biology and Synthetic Humanoids who look just like us.

They have moved Agenda 30 up by 5 years to 2025 and they want all Naturally Born Humans gone by 2025.

The One World Order will be recognized as God.

New Humans - humans being born from vaccinated parents. Soon they won't have to gestate. They want to BAN Natural Conception.

They began putting the vaccine in our food supply at the end of 2021.
The only time we are not getting them is when we grow heirloom organic from our own gardens, but even those will contain synthetic biology via air and water.

The chemtrail jets were literally casting black magic witching spells from their jets over Australian populations. Now they are over America.

Covid Injection created in a MASONIC LODGE in California given by a demon. It was administered according to alignment of planets and stars to amplify effects.

COG - Continuity of Government has been passed to Homeland Security.

Celeste Solum explains some shocking vax ingredients. They want us dead and gone, a post human Earth.

They have a Transhuman Agenda. The ones pushing this are evolutionists as they didn't think we were evolving fast enough. The shots are a giant experiment.

Celeste says we are being told people are dying of other things. She says she thinks many will die in 10 years as they attack food, air and water. But she says humanity is resilient as we are attacked from all angles.

The idea to Genetically Modify all life on Earth was announced at a seminar in California in 1975. They want all life to be manufactured synthetic life, was it appears real but it's not.

GMO Food appeared in early 90's where genetic material from one species is put in another, they were chemically laced and sent to grocery stores.

Smart Dust - a system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems such as censors, robots or other devices for detection, surveillance and a guidance system.

Hydrogel was added to the jabs. It's like an empty water balloon that begins growing inside the body. It is powered by YOUR Life Force, your nutrition and it robs your energy. It continues to grow and will take over your brain. It consumes your brain to death producing synthetic neurons.

Smart Dust is to get the other materials to cleave to cells. They put a protein around it so the body doesn't recognize it as a foreign invader. In about 72 hours it becomes one with the tissue where it was applied.

The ingredients are programmable so everyone doesn't start dying at once, that would be too evident, they need plausible deniability.

So, is your life now in the hands of the evil ones behind the healthy jabs?

They want the people to SLOWLY die so they can easily blame it on one of their hundreds of medical labels. The further away we get from the covid jabs, the less people will connect the dots that it is from the jabs.

Nanoparticles - made up of different materials that have special and magical properties. This is where the graphene comes in.

Nanoparticles have many shapes and forms.

Now hydrogel has been aerosolized and it's called Aerogel.

Synthetic Biology repurposes living systems and organisms. It changes their function from how God originally designed it.

They can now design, program, and control molecular behavior.

Synthetic Biology hollows you out, it guts you like a fish and it makes you a receptacle for dead demonic spirits and multi-dimensional entities.

Ever hear of the military and CDC preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse?

This is real shit.

It turns you into a Syn.

Synthetic Biology rewrites your DNA. DNA is the Code of Life.

Much, much more from Celeste Solum and Maria.

Mirror from mariazeee - https://rumble.com/v2lxwrk-exclusive-celeste-solum-the-end-game-synthetic-biology-exposed.html


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