Employees fired over New York's unconstitutional vaccination

1 year ago

n a landmark ruling, a judge ruled in favor of the unvaccinated employees and ordered the Democratic New York City Council to reinstate them and pay them eight months of back pay.

Sixteen New York City Department of Disinfection employees have been reinstated and will receive more than eight months of back pay after the New York Supreme Court ruled that they were wrongfully fired and their rights violated because of the "arbitrary" vaccination mandate imposed on the city by Democrats.

"The vaccination requirement for city employees was not only about public health and safety, but also about compliance," the court said in a decision released Tuesday. "If it were about public health and safety, the unvaccinated employees would have been fired at the time of the order. If it were a matter of public health and safety, no one would be exempt. It is time for New York City to do what is right and what is just.

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