Israel Takes Out Terrorist Leaders | CBN NewsWatch May 9, 2023

1 year ago

Israel launches a pre-dawn raid in Gaza, targeting three key leaders of Islamic Jihad; President Biden meets with Congressional leaders over the debt ceiling standoff, as the GOP wants spending cuts while Biden and the Democrats just want to raise government’s debt limit, and the discussion comes as the President’s approval rating hits a new low; Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley tells CBN News America has to get back to God, and she discusses her campaign rivals, former President Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis; Franklin Graham talks about his recent “God Loves You” evangelistic tour, how his father helped establish the National Day of Prayer in 1952, and Samaritan’s Purse disaster relief efforts after the earthquakes in Turkey earlier this year; and a new type of Christian outreach, combining evangelism and fitness – the Garage Gym Church.

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