How to delay period with tablet? Aygestin Norethisterone tablets | Side effects, Uses & Review

1 year ago

Learn how to delay period with Aygestin, a period delay tablet (Norethisterone tablets). I will explain Aygestin tablet side effects, uses, price, dosage in this video review. The major component is of this tablet is Norethisterone.

As I have already discussed in my previous videos, how Norethisterone Tablets are very helpful in delaying the periods, similarly this tablet also helps in the same. Please check the further details explained below-
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Benefits of Aygestin:
The major use or benefit of this tablet is delaying the periods and other than that it also helps in:
1. Maintaining a good period health
2. Helps you in getting regular periods
3. Helps in maintaining a normal flow of blood during periods.
Yes, most of the time doctors suggest this tablet to those who suffer from the above-mentioned problems.

Dosage/How to take it?
The right time to take this tablet is 2 days before the start date of periods. You have to take 3 tablets of 5 Mg each, 3 times a day till the time you want to delay your periods.
Do not overdose on this tablet and take it only for 7-10 days. When you will stop taking this tablet then your periods will start after 1 week. So that means if you take this tablet for 7 days then yours will automatically get delayed for almost 14 days.
NOTE: Teenage girls are advised not to take this tablet. Watch the special video for teenagers:
Also, this tablet does not act as a contraceptive pill.
Side Effects:
Some of you might face some headaches, stomach pain, dizziness, vomiting, etc. In that case, you should stop taking the tablet. Also, if you already had some periods-related history then you should first consult with your doctor.

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