Who had "Abstinence Only" sex education, what was the most outrageous or untrue thing you were told?

1 year ago

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People who had "Abstinence Only" sex education, what was the most outrageous or untrue thing you were told?
If a man ejaculates on or near your body the sperm will swim around and find your vagina and you will get pregnant
"If you have premarital sex, no one will ever want you".
Hugging a boy will get you pregnant.Edit: Oh no, someone gave me the hugging award. Guess I'm pregnant.
Having sex with 1 person is like having sex with 100 people.
If a gay man and a lesbian woman have a baby the baby will be trans
So I'm Irish and Catholic. Growing up in Dublin we had church sanctioned sex education, some of the highlights:\-All penises are the same size when erect (we were 14 and this was hilarious to us)\-Being gay is just a phase\-No method of birth control is reliable (including oral sex and body rubbing)
My girlfriends sex Ed program in middle school included a wedding dress that they splattered with red paint
Opposite story:I went to a Catholic high school. My Health teacher was a progressive. So she closed the door and said "Listen, ok, sure, masturbation is a sin or whatever, but it's actually fine. You gotta, you know, clean out the pipes once in a while. Now if your friends ask you to go to the movies and your answer is 'Sorry, gotta stay home and jerk off' probably step it back a bit."
If you are willing to make out with someone, you'll end up having sex with them because you pass the point of no return on the mountain climb to sex.
I was given a diagram of the female anatomy in which the clitoris had been erased-- as in someone went into MS paint and whited it out on a line drawing of the exterior of the vulva. The urethra, vagina, labia, anus were labelled, and then at the top of the labia, it was whited out.
The instructor gave all the boys in the class chewing gum and let them chew on it for a few minutes. Then she asked them if any of them wanted to share. Of course none did. Then she asked if they didn't want to share gum, why would they want to share sex partners?This was in a co-ed class so all the girls in the class got to see too.
The used pair of shoes analogy. Maybe if some people would just wash their damn feet and wear socks the shoes wouldn't get dirty.
This is probably pretty tame, but Sophomore year our teacher told us using multiple condoms at a time increases its effectiveness.I then asked my mom the same thing, and her whole job is to teach safe sex to youth.Spoiler alert: **do not layer condoms. It sounds good in practice, but you're actually weakening the condoms and wasting them.**Utah's sex ed policy was/is shit.
This woman once compared a teenage girl who’s had premarital sex as chewed up bubble gum. She then switched the comparison to a pair of worn out shoes. Shit you not.
Condoms don't always work so it's better to not use them.If you ejaculate on a girl (yes, "on") she will get pregnant. Regardless of if you had sex or not.Boys get so horny sometimes they can't control themselves. So girls, it's up to you to remove temptation for the boys.Birth control pills disrupt a girl's hormones so badly she will become barren.
That every time I (a girl) had sex I was giving away a part of my soul. So each sex partner whittled away bits of my soul. If I had sex before marriage my god-given husband would only get a tiny scrap instead of a full half and thus wouldn't be able to love me as much as he would if I'd waited? Honestly it's pretty confusing. This was taught in my Christian private school.
My church based sex ed claimed that foreplay involved things like reciting poetry to one another or playing the violin together. I guess their plan was for us to be so bad at foreplay we'd never have sex.
I just remember this video I was shown in my church youth group of a guy holding a brick over a teen's head and saying there was a 1% change he was going to smash his face in. He was trying to illustrate how the 99% effectiveness of birth control doesn't seem so good when put in different terms, but ya know, those are the actions of a psychopath.
Girls and boys had to go to different rooms during sex-Ed. The girls were told that “abstinence is the best option because sex is painful†. The boys weren’t told that. I understand that sex can be painful for some people, but pretending sex isn’t a source of pleasure at all for women is flat out wrong and depressing.
1 - Condoms don't work. Why? Because sperm are microscopic, STDs are even smaller, and "you think a piece of plastic is going to protect you?" 2 - The Cookie Analogy. I'm sure there are multiple names for this, but the idea is "who wants to eat a cookie when everyone's already bitten out of it?"
Kissing gets you pregnant

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