Testing Your Character

11 months ago

The person featured in the video was in the Southern Army during the Civil War, facing a character test he could not have imagined. He found himself fighting against the army that was protecting the neighbors he knew as a child and on the very grounds where he grew up. It was the most difficult moral dilemma anyone could face: "Do I fight to kill the very neighbors I once knew?"

If you found yourself in this dilemma, how would you handle it?

We'll never know what was going through Wesley Culp's mind since he was killed during the fight, but his story causes us to pause and think of how we would act in less dangerous circumstances.

Let's look at this test in general terms. To test your character means to face situations or challenges that require you to make choices or decisions that reflect your values, ethics, and moral principles.
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But what if you don't know what your values are?

Whether you've had guidance or no guidance from parents, testing your character can be challenging; however, there are still some ways for you to develop and demonstrate your character, even in the absence of parental guidance.

Here are some suggestions:

Seek guidance from other trusted adults:
If parents are not available or unable to provide guidance, you can seek guidance from other trusted adults, such as that one teacher everyone admires, a coach who listens to what your classmates have to say, or a relative who pays particular attention to you. Some of these individuals can offer support, advice, and role modeling to help you navigate challenging situations. You would be surprised to see how fast an adult will help you when you ask this magic question: "Can you help me?" Watch the reaction!

Read books and watch videos that emphasize character development:
Reading books and watching videos that depict characters with strong values and positive character traits can inspire you to develop similar qualities. This can include books like INSPIRATION FOR TEENS and videos from the series, AMERICA'S 52 STORIES, that focus on integrity, empathy, perseverance, courage, and other virtues.

Participate in volunteer activities:
Since we all need a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives, volunteering for community service organizations or charity events can provide you with opportunities to serve others, demonstrate leadership, and develop a sense of responsibility. These activities can also foster empathy, compassion, and a sense of purpose.

Spend less time on your cellphone and join clubs or extracurricular activities:
Joining clubs or extracurricular activities that align with your interests or passions can provide you with opportunities to connect with others, develop new skills, and demonstrate leadership qualities. And like every young person, you have plenty of leadership qualities that you're not even aware of. But you will as long as you keep following this channel.

Reflect on personal values and beliefs:
If you already know what your values and beliefs are, reflecting on them can help you understand what is important to you and guide your decision-making. This can involve diary-writing, meditation, or talking with a trusted adult.

Practice self-reflection and self-improvement:
Taking time to think about your actions, behavior, and relationships can help you develop self-awareness, identify areas for improvement, and cultivate positive character traits.

Develop healthy relationships:
Nurturing healthy relationships with friends and peers you admire can help you develop positive character traits such as empathy, kindness, and respect.

While lacking guidance from parents can present challenges, teenagers can still develop and demonstrate positive character traits through various means. Seeking guidance from trusted adults, participating in community service, reflecting on values, and cultivating healthy relationships with people you admire and respect are all ways to develop and test one's character.

To get the book and video series we mentioned above, go to our store at https://www.americaneducationdefenders.com/shop

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The ultimate way to test character is to discover if you
meet its definition: it's being committed to and living by
a set of values that never change.

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