Why are Egyptians so angry about Netflix’s “Cleopatra”?

1 year ago

Let’s began with the premise that racist language should not detract from legitimate criticisms.
In their pursuit of ending the marginalization of black people, the makers of this show did it at the expense of other nonwhite people victimized by Western colonialism and imperialism.
The markers of Queen Cleopatra ended up perpetuating the racism they sought to reverse.
After the death of Alexander the Great, Ptolemy, a Macedonian general became the ruler of Egypt and founded a dynasty. Cleopatra was born of this dynasty.
Egyptians are using a hashtag on social media that translates to “Egypt for Egyptians.” This slogan dates back to an 1879 revolt that marked the nationalist struggle against imperialism.
The issue with Egyptology, is that very little of it is done by Egyptians or from their perspective. This show is another example of a lack of actual Egyptian academics being consulted. These issues can not be resolved by just casting Cleopatra as black. In doing so, this carries on the same tradition of British and French colonizers of Egypt in denying modern day Egyptians ownership of their history.
Netflix and Jada Picket Smith should have been more respectful toward Egyptians as they had a valid concern and demand for the preservation and cherishment of their heritage.
Works Cited:
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