Bunker Punks | Roguelike, Randomly Generated FPS? Let's Get BLASTING! | Part 1 | Gameplay Let's Play

1 year ago

220323 Like and subscribe. This is an archive, check the link in the end if you are owner. Oh my GOD do my eyes deceive me? Is this a procedurally generated, roguelike, fast paced, kill the crap out of EVERYTHING that's not you FPS with throwbacks to Wolfenstein 3D and Doom, with fabulous voice acting and one liners like Duke Nukem? You're damn right it is. We're going to blow everything up, just like I personally feel Bunker Punks is going to BLOW UP with the high octane FPS crowd looking for those old school thrills that are so watered down these days with stealth mechanics, long story dialog and cut scenes. You've heard me say it plenty of times, but in this game there is ABSOLUTELY no time for BS! You've got to keep moving, run and gun, get those power-ups before they disappear in 5 seconds, and constantly keep in mind that you only have one life to live. LITERALLY. That's right, Bunker Punks is the FPS that doesn't take any crap from anyone because it involves perma-death. Don't think for one moment that just because you'll be firing at everything that moves there's no strategy here, Bunker Punks gives you various weapons and a wardrobe to equip in order to make your Punk better at what they do, which is to say, bringing freedom back to the people by assaulting those Corporate Brainwashers that are taking over the world!

There's more to the gameplay besides the slaughter as well. You can build up your "bunker" in a very welcome yet deceptively simple upgrade process. Through playing you gain credits to make your bunker your own, with stuff like an infirmary to heal your punks and a shooting range to hone their marksmanship, and you also gain Tech in order to buy permanent upgrades that persist beyond character perma-death. Man, there's some extremely good looking concepts here, and it's hard to believe, but developer Shane Neville of Ninja Robot Dinosaur may have taken the concepts of those old 3D shooters like the original Quake, and made them even better. I would love it if you guys joined me as we blast our way to the Corporate head quarters, and teach these boys at Fero Psychodynamics that we can think for ourselves! Let's Play BUNKER PUNKS!

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The Forest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcqwUwYpecQ&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21fZ-p3RletekskG3wU689jP

Slime Rancher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3OoahLR9Ls&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21eO5oWfMPoTvvzOk_gCRpy8

Top 5 Lists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy4nMDFSmUg&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21fiNdNl_GClb4jBhLNY83O8

Blitz Breaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMelvS46EAY&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21falwG8P7VxqCseQhpGBdgv

Downfall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbHjFd8vdM8&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21coH6OejKaI0aKda1wFOZMf

Villagers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw8xXEJ0p21fGPyMFSf9jFfxEjQw6MQ53

Clash Royale: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw8xXEJ0p21camTrerLDqh-eddhEi1T0a



Bunker Punks is a roguelike first-person shooter set in a dystopian future. You control a group of revolutionaries, raiding corporate strongholds for supplies, weapons and armor. Customize your bunker, strengthen your gang and overthrow the corporate government.


CLASSIC FPS GAMEPLAY – Heavily inspired by the classic FPS games of the early 90’s: High-speed-action, circle-strafing and unloading a stream of bullets into enemies.

BUNKER BUILDING – Build and upgrade new rooms in your bunker to buff your punks, improve your economy and enable new abilities. It’s a non-linear skill tree for a wide variety of play styles.

RANDOMLY GENERATED LEVELS – Every level is generated randomly by the game. The layout is different, the enemies are different, the loot is different, even the propaganda posters on the walls are different. You never know what’s around the next corner.

CUSTOMIZATION – Combine loot, character attributes and bunker rooms to customize each character in your Bunker Punk gang


Intro Music by Andru: https://soundcloud.com/andruofficial/loverunsout

Outro Music by Teknoaxe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y2Gn0yZJuU

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