The Third Truth About 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov - Part 13 of 26

1 year ago

Part 13. Khalezov is asked if the 9/11 Commission members were misled into believing
its own “kerosene” theory. He answers that it was not so and the 9/11 Commissioners
were by no means misled. They were fed just another version of the 9/11 “truth”
according to which the three WTC buildings - the Twin Towers and the WTC-7 - were
allegedly destroyed by certain Soviet-made portable nuclear suit-cases (mini-nukes) that
were obtained by Osama bin Laden from Ukraine. Khalezov says otherwise it would not
be possible to explain to the 9/11 Commissioners many things: apparent radiation effects,
the “ground zero” name, the Building #7 collapse, because it was not hit by any plane. To
substantiate this claim he shows an article by the Spanish El Mundo newspaper while it
was still on-line on the El-Mundo’s web site (this article was immediately removed from
the El Mundo web site once this video presentation appeared on YouTube; therefore this
article is no longer available there - it is available only in libraries or in web archives).
This article published on September 16, 2001, and titled “TRAGEDIA /APOCALIPSIS
USA MI HERMANO BIN LADEN”, cites certain US officials, as claiming that there is
“latest” information that Al-Qaeda’s emissaries allegedly succeeded buying from Ukraine
3 (three) pieces of Soviet-made mini-nukes known as “RA115” and “RA116” - which
is an extremely seditious claim that in the context of the then recent events, and
especially considering that a sub-section of the article was named “Nuclear Peril” could
only be interpreted as follows: it was allegedly 3 Soviet-made suit-case nukes of Al-
Qaeda that actually brought down the three WTC buildings - the Twin Towers and the
WTC-7. The article’s actual name also leaves no option to doubt as to what they really
mean in this particular “revelation” (so it is not surprising at all that such a seditious
article was immediately ordered off-line once someone began to refer to it claiming the
existence of the second so-called 9/11 “truth”; however, Khalezov supplies a pdf-printed
version of that article while it was still on-line, together with the actual video clips of his
interview). From this article it appears that the second so-called “truth” about 9/11
blames the WTC-7 demolition on Al-Qaeda as well. Thus the 9/11 Commissioners could
be satisfied in regard to otherwise highly suspicious circumstances surrounding the
WTC-7 collapse late in the afternoon on 9/11. Khalezov claims that according to the
second version of the so-called “truth” of 9/11 intended for the 9/11 Commissioners and
other high-ranking officials, Osama bin Laden’s operatives brought nuclear suit-cases
and hid them in the Towers’ basements, while the “plane attacks” were only a distraction.
In reality the WTC collapses were allegedly caused by nuclear explosions of these
portable nuclear devices of Osama bin Laden. The 9/11 Commissioners were advised not
to disclose this “awful” “truth” to the general public in order not to scare them with
nuclear weapons, and to produce for the public some false report to cover up the story.
And the 9/11 Commissioners agreed. The same consideration was applicable, according
to Khalezov, to various high-ranking Fire Department officials, who would be convinced
to hide the truth from the general public in the same way the 9/11 Commissioners were
convinced. Asked if there could be any other explanation for the collapse of the WTC
that is physically possible, Khalezov answers “No”.

Here is a link to a zip-file with Dimitri's deposition in book-form and important related files:

Part 14:

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