The Third Truth About 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov - Part 14 of 26

1 year ago

Part 14. After briefly talking about why the US officials quickly removed all debris and
even shipped them away to another country to avoid any examination, the discussion
moves on to the WTC building #7 demolition. It is said that the 9/11 Commission Report
did not even mention the WTC-7 collapse, because it was simply impossible to provide
any plausible explanation and it was easier just to ignore this fact. Asked to provide his
own explanation of the true causes of the WTC-7 demolition Khalezov agrees, but first
offers to re-view a few available pieces of footage showing the WTC-7 collapse. Since
these videos show a different pattern of the WTC-7 collapse compared to that of the Twin
Towers, Khalezov explains first why it so happened from a technical point of view. Using
animated graphics he explains that because of the lower height of the WTC-7 compared
to the Twin Towers, a nuclear explosion under it was able to pulverize the entire WTC-7
from bottom to top, because its entire height came within the “crushed zone”. Therefore
there was not any heavy undamaged top as in the case of the Twin Towers, that might
press down and scatter the dust underneath. This conditioned an actual pattern of the
WTC-7 collapse after it was completely pulverized. Khalezov also explains that the US
Government attempted to blame the WTC-7 demolition on Osama bin Laden. He shows
certain contemporary 9/11 BBC footage that was aired at 4.56 PM EST (24 minutes
before the WTC-7 actual collapse). In this footage BBC anchors claim that the WTC-7
has allegedly “collapsed” and it was allegedly another count of a terrorist “atrocity”
(besides the fact that the BBC directly blamed the WTC-7 collapse on “terrorists”,
another detail should be necessarily noted: considering that the terms an “atrocious
device” and an “atrocity” in the politically correct jargon of security officials actually
means a “mini-nuke” and a “mini-nuclear bombing” correspondingly, the phrase
“terrorist atrocity” especially in the abovementioned context is 100% a synonym of the
phrase “mini-nuclear bombing”). It is again stressed that the WTC would actually
collapse only 24 minutes after the airing of this BBC footage (leaving us only to guess
what kind of “atrocious” nuclear terrorists could supply to the BBC this information in
advance). Khalezov again refers to the El Mundo’s article described in part 13, reminding
us that according to that article Osama bin Laden allegedly used 3 mini-nukes in his
“New York Apocalypse” and “Nuclear Peril”, not two. Asked if these claims of the three
alleged Osama bin Laden’s mini-nukes allegedly used to demolish the three WTC
buildings were a part of a cover-up story for “patricians”, Khalezov answers “Yes”.
Asked what was his own opinion in regard to the true causes of the WTC-7 demolition,
Khalezov answers that the WTC-7 was a command center of the entire WTC complex.
According to him, the nuclear demolition devices were not kept under the WTC-1 and -2,
but were kept, instead, under the WTC-7 where it was easy to maintain them. At the time
of the actual demolition, these nuclear charges had to be delivered under the targeted
Towers by some mini-railways made in some underground tunnels. He proceeds to
explain why the WTC Tower that was first hit by “a plane” collapsed second and vice-
versa - a 9/11 phenomenon which nobody has been able to explain so far. Why it was not
possible to demolish the Twin Towers in the same order they were struck by the “planes”.
An explanation, according to Khalezov, is very simple. It is because one of the Twin
Towers was closer to the WTC-7, while the other was farther from it. And so were the
delivery tunnels: one was shorter and one - longer. It was not possible to demolish the
“closer” Tower first because an underground nuclear explosion would damage the
“longer” delivery tunnel by its subterranean shock. It is illustrated by some graphics
showing the World Trade Center map. Due to this consideration it was only possible to
demolish the “farther” Tower first, and then only - the “closer” Tower. And so it was
done on 9/11. Thus the order of the Twin Towers’ collapse has nothing to do with the
order of the “terrorist planes” striking them. Then, according to Khalezov, those who
demolished the Twin Towers, decided to demolish the WTC-7. Otherwise a possible
inquiry might find all those delivery tunnels and other nuclear stuff under the WTC-7 and
it would be very difficult to explain what it was. Luckily, the WTC-7 too was scheduled
to be demolished by the same kind of nuclear demolition arrangement; therefore they had
3 nuclear charges actually. That is why they decided to use the third nuclear charge to
destroy Building 7 and to hide the evidence completely.

Here is a link to a zip-file with Dimitri's deposition in book-form and important related files:

Part 15:

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