The Third Truth About 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov - Part 20 of 26

1 year ago

Part 20. The discussion moves on to seismic signals that should have been produced by
150 kiloton underground nuclear charges. The interviewer suggests that these seismic
signals should have been detected and come to notice of foreign governments, for
example, the British Government. He refers to a famous seismogram and a corresponding
table of seismic signals published on the web site of Columbia University’s Lamont-
Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, New York. Both - the actual seismogram and the
table clearly point to two nuclear explosions of mini-nuke-yield at the time of the Twin
Towers’ collapse. However, neither the seismogram, nor the corresponding table of 9/11
seismic events show any “mini-nuclear explosion” at the time of the WTC-7 collapse.
Khalezov explains that these seismograms were bogus due to a variety of reasons. Firstly,
the two picks that purported to represent the two nuclear explosions are simply too
perfect - perhaps they were made with a pen and a ruler. Secondly, the two “nuclear”
picks obviously purported to represent explosions of “mini-nukes” of less than 1 kiloton
yields, because their actual seismic magnitudes are depicted as being only 2.1 and 2.3,
while the real nuclear explosions under the WTC were 150 kilotons that would produce
magnitudes of at least above 5.7 on the Richter scale. Thirdly, because this supposed
“evidence” fails to show the third nuclear explosion under the WTC-7, despite the fact
that the WTC-7 was obviously demolished by the same means as the Twin Towers.
Khalezov states that these seismograms and the seismic table are nothing but bogus
evidence concocted by cheaters in order to support the second version of the so-called
“truth” of 9/11 - i.e. the “confidential” claim of the US Government that the WTC was
allegedly brought down by nuclear suit-cases of Osama bin Laden. However, he mentions
that this bogus evidence does not match the actual second version of the so-called “truth”,
because it fails to “reveal” that the WTC-7 too was demolished by the third alleged
“mini-nuke” of Osama bin Laden. For example, the abovementioned article in the
Spanish “El-Mundo” that also revealed the “second truth” was dealing with three alleged
portable nuclear devices, while bogus evidence on the Columbia University web site is
dealing only with two of such alleged mini-nukes. The interviewer refers to testimonies
of some firefighters who felt the ground shaking prior to the WTC collapse and what they
described was like the “feeling of a train running under their feet”. Khalezov refers to an
official web site (pages of which are shown in the video) that deals with human feelings
of seismic magnitudes, (ft shall be mentioned that since this movie appeared on YouTube
the US authorities ordered to remove both web pages dealing with seismic magnitudes
and feelings of earthquakes and today they are no longer available on the web addresses
shown in the video; however, Khalezov supplies pdf-printed versions of both web pages
while they were still on-line, together with the actual video clips of his interview).
According to the officially published data, seismic magnitudes of less than 3.0 on the
Richter scale can’t be felt by human beings, but only by some special seismic devices.
Which is hard proof that the abovementioned seismograms were fake - because the
firefighters simply could not feel 2.1 and 2.3 seismic signals. Khalezov then uses the set
of data from FEMA published on the web site to prove that such a “feeling of a train
running under one’s feet” could only pertain to an earthquake well above 5.5 on the
Richter scale. Then using another official table that shows magnitudes and corresponding
TNT yields, Khalezov proves that what was felt by the firefighters prior to each of the
Twin Towers’ collapse could only have been caused by nuclear explosions of well over
80 kilotons in TNT yield and by no means it could have been any mini-nukes. At the end
of this part a contemporary 9/11 CNN clip is inserted where one of CNN’s producers
Rose Arce who was at the scene of the WTC describes that shortly before the North
Tower began to collapse, its top suddenly started to shake. It is followed by the famous
clip by Etienne Sauret which shows the North Tower’s shaking 12 seconds before it
started to come down in very good detail. Khalezov, at last, answers the first question -
how would a foreign government treat the available seismograms. He says that the
government will simply misinterpret them - to match the official US claims - in the same
way that Columbia University did with its alleged seismic “evidence”.

Here is a link to a zip-file with Dimitri's deposition in book-form and important related files:

Part 21 of 26:

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