Ask Aqua Alex LIVE: May 2023

1 year ago

Fish Keeper's, do you have tropical fish keeping questions you'd like to have answered? Maybe you want a new fish but need some advice? Great! I, Aqua Alex can help! Simply post your questions in the comments and I'll answer them during the show! Welcome to the May 2023 Fish Keeper's Q and A!
You can also answer my questions in the comments!
Aqua Alex Asks You:
Q1: What is your favorite memory of the aquarium hobby?
Q2: Favorite foods you feed your fish?
Q3: Favorite oddball fish species?
Post your answers in the comments!
For topics, I'm going to discuss Freshwater gobies such as the jade goby, Freshwater Eels such as the fire eel, my fish keeping plans, and what I'd do if I owned a fish store! Don't miss Aqua Alex reacts and the fish keeper's showoff where you'll see some gorgeous piranhas from Melissa Thunig!
Enjoy the show and happy Fish Keeping!
Need Quality aquarium supplies? Tropical fish food? Check out Little Egypt Aquarium Club and remember you get 10% off by using coupon code:ALEX!
A 14 year old wrote a book for new aquarium hobbyists! Check it out here and watch author Brian Conway on the 900th episode:
Check out the fish keeping groups Aqua Alex Created:
YEP! We Like Fish Keeping:
Serrasalmidae Hobbyists (Pacus, Piranhas, and Silver Dollars):

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