The Need for Opinionated Men

1 year ago

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We must understand as men that having a passionate opinion is good

Opinions vs Prejudices
- Opinions are ours as we should seek them
- Prejudices are from others and don't take any thought or work
- Opinions are different from prejudices because they come from us and not from others
- Influences should come through the filter of our thoughts and working through it ourselves
- Developing opinions help us develop who we are and that is a major part of our impact as men

Opinions Take Thought
- As we develop our own opinions we have to battle in our minds to help them grow and develop
- Opinions cannot truly be ours if we never work on them in our brains
- Big thinking development
- Men need big thinking because it causes us to think outside of ourselves and our own everyday wants and needs
- As men have lost the ability to think big, their influence in our culture has diminished
- Detailed thinking development
- Detailed thinking helps us develop our own worldview as men
- Opinions force us to think about the why's and that makes us mentally strong men

Opinions Require Truth
- To form a real opinion there has to be the element of truth
- Objective truth has to be in the equation or anyone can say anything
- Real opinions should be backed up by truth
- We must develop a taste for objective truth
- Our opinion has to be based on something
- We may have an opinion and be passionate about it, however, the passion we have for an opinion should not be stronger than our passion for the truth
- We must look to facts and truth when forming our opinions and not let them just be based on a feeling
- Men must accept the role of being truth seekers
- A truth-seeking man is a powerful man

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