Durham Report Released! Trump Vindicated! It Was All A Hoax! Shocker!!

1 year ago

Durham Report Released! Trump Vindicated! It Was All A Hoax! Shocker!!

Trump Comments On The Coup With Dan Bongino!
Trump says these people are sick!
Dan calls it TNN re CNN - Trump News Network!

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Trump said the activities surrounding the FBI’s original Trump-Russia investigation were “a total disgrace,” and said, “public anger over this report is at a level that I have not seen before.” #AmericanPissedLevel

General Mike Flynn and Vincent Kennedy both talking America is pissed. #AmericanPissedLevel

“This report must be a rally cry for all freedom-loving Americans, of all parties and persuasions… If we do not fight back now, the America we love may be lost forever.” My statement to America and the freedom loving world! General Mike Flynn

The Durham Report

PEE PEE TAPE - 911 - R u kidding me - Jesse Watters

It Was All Bullshit

TRUMP REACTS! 'There Must Be A Heavy Price to Pay' for Dems After Durham Report Revelations

Here’s Everything The FBI Deliberately Ignored To Get Trump In Russian Collusion Hoax, According To Durham

Durham proves that Hillary and the FBI tried to rig the 2016 election

Jake Tapper's humiliating volte-face: CNN host eats humble pie as he's forced to admit John Durham's report into flawed and biased FBI DOES 'to a degree' exonerate Trump (but that's not what he always said!)

Kash Patel says that the FBI, Clinton and the deep state are the real "insurrectionists" after the Durham Report revealed they were all in on it.

Kash Patel on Durham Report

John Durham aka JFK Jr The Punisher - Marz Blog

Durham finds DOJ, FBI 'failed to uphold' mission of 'strict fidelity to the law' in Trump-Russia probe

Durham - Stealth Bomber - EyeDropMedia

The Durham Report by TECHNO FOG - A quick analysis

John Brennan, Hamas-loving authoritarian and partisan propagandist knew it was a con from the start. #ThesePeopleAreSick

Hawley: ‘We Need to End the FBI as We Know It’

Sen. Graham says FBI, DOJ should apologize to those affected by Durham investigation

Kash Patel On WarRoom With Steve Bannon Talks Two Tier Justice System & Accountability

More House Committee Investigations - Durham To Testify!

Trump had to cancel his rally in Des Moines due to Tornado warnings. They control the weather.

Carlson Interviewed Collins Years Before CNN Townhall – Here’s What She Said About Trump

MSM ON The UnVaccinated - SICKENING - Disgraceful #EnemyOfThePeople

Did Trump Just Send A Message? Space Force, Military Is The Only Way Forward$ #X22Report

George Soros Dead - #AnotherHoaxOrIsIt - 2 Q Drops With Heart Attacks Can Be Deadly

Fox Insider caught on camera by James O'Keefe's crew admitting that Tucker being fired from Fox was a part of the Dominion Settlement.

Marjorie Taylor Greene says Hunter Biden’s sex workers may testify before Congress - The House Oversight Committee is in discussions to bring foreign and American prostitutes who allegedly cavorted with Hunter Biden before Congress

RFK Jr. says he can beat Biden in 2024 primary
‘I Will Release Everything Else’: Donald Trump Vows Full Release of JFK Assassination Files If Re-Elected President' President Trump
RFK, Jr. SLAMS dictator Justin Trudeau over new fascist censorship laws | Redacted w Clayton Morris

A first look at 'Tucker Carlson Originals: O, Canada!'

Fox says documentary about Canadian ‘tyranny’ won’t air after Tucker Carlson’s exit - Tucker Carlson On Trudeau - Wowza

Trudeau Liberals release video fawning over abortion during annual March for Life in Ottawa

Maxime Bernier Announces his Run For PM in Canada

We Don't Want A Ruler Of The Globe - We Want Freedom and Sovereignty - Good clip on UN global governance. No thanks.

1.5 million 'gotaways' at the border under the Biden administration: report

Musk Hires NBCUniversal Executive And Top World Economic Forum Official As New Twitter CEO: Report
Yaccarino is also the Chairman of the World Economic Forum’s Taskforce on Future of Work. Pardon?

U.S. Virgin Islands issued subpoena to Elon Musk in Jeffrey Epstein lawsuit & Elon Responds

What if I told you this whole election was a gigantic sting operation?

Life Changing Lessons - Enjoy the show!

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