Those of you who live in small towns, what is the current local controversy all about? #smalltowns

1 year ago

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Those of you who live in small towns, what is the current local controversy all about?
Thousands of crabs washed ashore dead but nobody really knows why, I think they blamed wind turbines at one point.Dogs are now getting really sick and there’s warnings for people to stay away from the beach but nobody knows why it’s happening.
A woman known as a pretty awful person disappeared. "Everyone" knows it was probably her husband, but the family own's over 10,000 acres and no body has been found. The rest of her family is ramping up an awareness campaign so should be interesting to see where this all goes.
a couple promissed a lot of cakes and fancy breads to the local festival, and didn't deliverdeveryone is mad at them for the last 2 weeks
Town of about 1800. The girl's volleyball coach got a Dwi. The school's principal went to pick her up from jail, and was arrested for dwi himself. Somehow it got out that these two (both married) were having an affair.
Two places make dill dip. One accused the other of stealing the recipe
If the local horse dentist is actually a licenced horse dentist
People here in my town of 396 still upset that the local Christmas tree was taken down and thrown away with all the lights still on it.
My country is the size of a small town. One problem at the moment is that we have these things called roundels they are kinda like roundabouts but no one has right of way and there’s no lanes you just drive where ever you want and people are getting super angry about it even though nothings bad happened since they opened them.
The woman who just got elected mayor owns most of the property downtown, and all the open seats on city council went to her employees. Can’t wait to see the corruption in action.
Small town with 3000 inhabitants. Everyone knows each other, everyone knows where everyone works, who is related to whom, and so on. Still, my cousin doesn't know who is the father of her child.
Swans in the local rivers/lakes have been dying from avian flu and we’ve all been warned to keep our dogs away from sick or dead swans in case infection spreads to humans
A lady who has lived in the neighborhood forever has started losing her mind and is stealing lawn ornaments, pots, plants, etc from everyone else's yard. The police refuse to arrest her because the situation is sad. So every few months the police host a 'get back your shit' event and we just collect our things from her yard. It is surreal but I wish her the best.
The city I live in (around 10k residents or so) doesn't allow food trucks to operate outside of things like festivals. There has been a push to change that, and, coincidentally, majority of most vocal people against them are restaurant owners.
About 2 years ago the mayor of the town I live in got caught with drunk driving his lawnmower down main street at around 2 AM about 6 weeks after being elected.Edit: I can't wrap my head around the fact that my mayor getting drunk and driving a lawnmower would become one of my most upvoted comments but here we are.
They just built a new Verizon in town, but someone started a rumor that it was also going to be a Panera Bread. Someone went as far as to mark it on Google Maps as a Panera, even though the building is clearly a single store with Verizon signage.
They’re still trying to figure out who is Black. The village has 249 people. On the census everyone reported white except one person who reported biracial or something and now the demographics show that the town is .7% Black.
LoL The Mayor has a personal feud with this one guy that has an emotional support pig while living in the village. Housing farm animals are illegal within the village.
Travel baseball. There is a new organization in town that is absolutely bloodsucking money out of parents of 7-12 year olds and they have no clue.
My parents live in a tiny Greek village that has a grand total of three families (including my parents) and currently they're trying to rectify the fact that our dog killed our neighbor's chicken.
Some lady that owned a large flea market took 100k+ of covid " don't fire your employees" money, fired everyone and is now leaving the country all while thinking the town was lucky to have her.
A woman found a dog and tried to find the owner for a day or two. She then took it to a rescue. Owner of dog post looking for dog and she let him know the rescue. Owner calls rescue who now will not return dog due to owner negligence. Woman who found dog is now getting shit on.
Sheep:Whether or not to continue allowing a flock of sheep to graze on the town green (with a petting area for lambs).Some think the sheep do a fine job of keeping the grass under control (and fertilized) - others want landscaping professionals to do the job.

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