How to play The Ouroboros King

1 year ago

Learn the rules to the video game The Ouroboros King quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original rules of Chess, check out this video:

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The rules are the same as regular chess except for these changes. The object of the game is to beat the final level. Hover your mouse over anything to see its description.

The first time you play, your army will consist of a king, a bishop, a rook, and a knight. Once you have discovered enough new pieces, then when starting a new run, you need to select your starting pieces. On the map screen, click on the army icon to rearrange your units starting positions. Click on a map node to begin battle. Click on a unit to select it and click on a highlighted space to move it. Hover over a unit to see how it moves. Hover over a player’s sword icon to see all of that player’s available moves. There is no check or checkmate, capture your opponent’s king to clear the level. In the bottom, there are relics that give you permanent abilities and items that you can consume for a one time use advantage.

Rock obstacles on the map prevent movement. Portals allow you to move between the two in the same relative direction. Bombs blow up every unit on every adjacent space.

There is a gold reward for beating a level. The reward starts at 200 and decreases by 4 after each move. You can use gold to purchase items and upgrades. After winning a level, you then get rewarded based on the type of node you were at. Training grounds allows you to recruit a new unit. If you already have the maximum of 8 units, you will receive 350 gold instead. Armory allows you to upgrade your existing units, but not all units can be upgraded. If you have no available units to upgrade you will receive 350 gold instead. Ruins allows you to gain a relic. The shop allows you to purchase items. The sacrificial obelisks will force you to decide between sacrificing a piece or a relic to get one that is much more powerful.

There is no draw by move repetition or turn limit. If kings are the only pieces left on the board, or the AI decides that it is losing, it will offer you a draw. If you accept it, the level will end and but will not gain any gold or reward. If it is a boss battle, then the level is replayed. Boss battles do not give rewards. If your king is captured, then you lose and must start the run over from the beginning.

You can decrease the difficulty of the AI in the settings. After beating the game for the first time you can increase the difficulty by adjusting the starting settings.

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