UnFollowVic S:4 Ep:3 - Lingchi - Chinese Torture Methods - Mount Everest Deaths - Fake Your Missing

1 year ago

UnFollowVic S:4 Ep:3 - Lingchi - Aired 5/20/2023

Today’s show we will do our updates, cover some extreme torture methods perfected by China and the self torture method of climbing mount everest. Then we will go to Jack's news where we will be covering the stupidest method of handling bad news and the Dalai Lama's weird ways around kids.

What's On Today's Show
- Updates from Jack and Vic
- Chinese Torture Methods (Lingchi, Force Feeding, Water Drops and more)
- Mount Everest Deaths (Wild Facts and Stories of Mount Everest)
- Jack's News (Fake a MIssing and Dalai Lama Sucking Tongues)

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