The rapture Dec 2024, 7 years Tribulation 2025, mid Great tribulation 2029

1 year ago

Time is very close

Rev 12 sign in Sept 2017 plus 7 years = 2024

The Revelation 12 sign was first discovered by Luis Vega in 2008 using astronomy software. This discovery came on the heels of Rick Larson’s 2007 documentary entitled The Star of Bethlehem, which used astronomy software to locate the stellar sign heralding Jesus’ first coming.

The Star of Bethlehem documentary sparked a new interest in looking for prophetic signs in the heavens. Although there were several prophetic watchmen who looked into the Revelation 12 sign before him,

The second total solar eclipse all across America April 8, 2024 will mark letter “X” after almost 7 years earlier on August 21, 2017 , in the same year for the US presidential election Nov 2024

The first day of Hanukkkah right on Christmas Dec 25, 2024 , many Christmas and Hanukkah rapture dreams and visions from all across the world and so many years

According to many end time dreams and visions , the rapture could happen by Dec 2024.

God revealed it to me in 2018 , that year is significant year 2018 for 7 days which is 7 years warning from that year to say Good Bye from the world we know at this church age will be replaced by 7 years tribulation period, 2018 + 7 years = 2025.

2025 is when The Antichrist confirm the covenant for one week= 7days= 7 years according to Daniel 9:24-27

Total Lunar eclipse in Israel just right on Sept 7, 2025 , it's high likely when 7 years tribulation to start !

From Sept 2025 is when 7 years tribulation to begin ! So 3 1/2 years later in March 2029 !

There will be interesting year in 2029, high watch this is the time when in mid great 7 years tribulation will begin, after the Antichrist sign it the peace treaty or confirm the covenant which I believe Abraham accord !

Total Solar Eclipse in Israel, August 2, 2027 (probably the timing when the third temple finished to build)

Total Lunar Eclipse in Israel, Sept 7, 2025 !

Total Lunar Eclipse in Israel, Dec 31-Jan 1, 2029 !

Total Lunar Eclipse in Israel June 25-June 26, 2029 !

Total Lunar Eclipse in Israel, Dec 20-Dec 21, 2029 !

So all together 3 total lunar eclipses in 2029 in Israel, when mid point great tribulation.


Matt 16:1-4 Encourages us to predict the end time frames
Matt 24:36 No one knows the day and the hour WHEN The earth and Heaven shall pass away Matt 24:35 , nothing to do with the rapture, 7 years tribulation and second coming time frames

The earth and heaven shall pass away after the Millennial Kingdom is over, Second Gog and Magog war and Great White Throne Judgement ! U

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