We Got INSIDE The 3.19 Aegis Javelin and Went Where We Shouldn't!!

1 year ago

Just a tour of the UEES Warhammer, a Javelin Destroyer in the 3.19 Invictus 2953 Event. This time, From behind the curtain and where we should not be.....

From May 19 (16:00 UTC) until May 30 (20:00 UTC), we are celebrating Invictus Launch Week 2953 and everyone can play for free. You will receive an Aegis Avenger Titan ship for the duration of the event that’s perfect for exploring the system.

Create a Star Citizen account here ►►► https://bit.ly/38W5ULm ◄◄◄
With this link, on purchase of a game package ($45 or more) you will get 5,000UEC (in game credit) for free. This is enough for clothing, some weapons, food, drink etc. Enough to help you out.

►►► The 19th NAS Star Citizen Org Discord! - https://discord.gg/gMKpmn3MVc ◄◄◄
The 19th NAS is a British themed military org in Star Citizen based around an Idris-K

►►► https://streamelements.com/itisntjack/tip ◄◄◄

►►► Subscribe Here! - https://bit.ly/2s4hp2x ◄◄◄

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Twitter ► https://twitter.com/ItIsntJack
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#StarCitizen #aegisjavelin #Squadron42

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