Litany of St. Eugène de Mazenod: Patron of Dysfunctional Families- Feast Day: May 21st

1 year ago

Litany of St. Eugène de Mazenod: Patron of Dysfunctional Families
For Private Use

For more information on Saint Eugene...Click on the following links

Lord have mercy,
R. Christ have mercy,

Lord have mercy, Christ hear us
R. Christ graciously hear us

God the Father of Heaven,
R. Have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
R. Have mercy on us.

God the Holy Spirit,
R. Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, One God,
R. Have mercy on us.

Our Lady of Hope,
R. Pray for us.

St. Joseph,
R. Pray for us

Saint Eugene de Mazenod,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Founder of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Champion of the Immaculate Conception,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Rejecter of worldly pleasures,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Defender of the poor,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Witness to Christ's love on the cross,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Preacher of parish missions,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Minister to youth,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Teacher of the uneducated,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Shepherd of prisoners,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Innovator in ministry,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Worthy Bishop of starving souls,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Restorer of shrines,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Disciple of the Blessed Mother,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Preacher of Christ Crucified,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Evangelizer of those outside the structures of the Catholic Church,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Man of deep faith,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Pilgrim seeking perfection,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Person of burning zeal,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Advocate of justice,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Blockade to corrupt governments and Freemasonic forces,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Guardian of the Papacy,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Missionary of all God’s children,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Specialists of difficult missions,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Discerner of the needs of his day,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Priest of great daring,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Restorer of ecclesiastical discipline,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Undaunted leader of the Catholic Church,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Lover and defender of the Catholic Faith,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Zealous for the salvation of souls,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, who stated: “To love the Church is to love Jesus Christ”,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Determined to be leaven of the Beatitudes,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, Intercessor of Dysfunctional Families, and those in them,
R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, while in your last agony said: “Give me my missionary cross and Rosary, these are my defense” R. Pray for us

St. Eugene, whose last words were in praise of the Mother of God,
R. Pray for us

Let us pray:
Saint Eugene de Mazenod, passionately in love with Jesus Christ and loving son of His Church and Thy Mother, Mary, we beg you: obtain for us the grace to follow the Savior faithfully and to cling to Him with our whole being. May we have the courage and faith to answer His call to be witnesses to those who do not know Him or who have forgotten Him.

Teach us to love the Church, our Mother; to be united with her in her joys and her pains, each of us sharing her mission according to our personal vocation. You received the gift to love the poor and the lowly, to stoop to find them; show us how to love and respect them. Teach us to look at our world with the eyes of Christ on the cross, confident that the power of His Resurrection will overcome all our difficulties and sufferings.

In loving memory of,
Rev. William Smith, O.M.I.
Rev. William Martin, O.M.I.
Rev. William Denzel, O.M.I.
Rev. Patrick Healy, O.M.I.
Rev. Roland Couture, O.M.I.
Rev. Harry Winter, O.M.I.
Rev. Francis Campbell, O.M.I.
Rev. Gerald Flater, O.M.I.
Rev. Albert Martineau, O.M.I.
Rev. William McSweeney, O.M.I.
Rev. John Croft, O.M.I.
Rev. Martin Walsh, O.M.I.
Rev. Edward Lowney, O.M.I.
*Please offer a Hail Mary for their souls and all the priests and religious of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

**Portion of this litany was referenced from the version provided by the De Mazenod Family: The Litany Project

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