Episode 171 - Coping with Change, and Genealogy Storytelling

7 years ago

Genealogy Gems Podcast
Episode 171 with Lisa Louise Cooke

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Do you have enough time to work on your family history the way you would like to? How about taking on someone else's family history? In this episode I've invited someone who has jumped over his own family history to diligently working on a perfect strangers or did he jump over it? It's a very interesting story! We'll also be talking later about coping and in fact excelling even in the face of technological change.

I'm home for a week before I head back out on the road. And the next stop is Naperville Illinois and the Fox Valley Genealogical Society where I'll be presenting a full day seminar on Sept. 27, 2014. The following week I'll be at the Pima County Genealogical Society in Tucson AZ and then in October the Heritage Quest Library in Sumner Washington. I hope you'll check out my full schedule at http://lisalouisecooke.com/lisas-schedule/ and perhaps join me at one of the upcoming events.

Improvements at Genealogy GemsWe have a new easier way to get exactly the content you want from the Genealogy Gems website! We've added a new feature to the bottom left hand corner of the Genealogy Gems homepage: Select Content by Topic.

Now finding the content you want, whether a podcast episode, blog article or video, is as simple as selecting the topic from the drop down menu. For example: Looking to learn more about DNA? Select "DNA" in the list. Are you new to family history? Click "Beginner." You can also access our complete archive of blog articles in the "Blog Archive by Date" drop down list just below Topics.

We are really striving to make the website something you can turn to every day not only for the latest in genealogy, but for the topics and content you need when you need them. This is your website!

Family History JewelryAlso new to the Genealogy Gems website has been so new items in the store including some exclusive genealogy research quick sheet bundles, and a beautiful line of customizable jewelry, perfect for showing off your family history. You can select from rings, pendants, and a charm bracelet each one customizable with family photos creating true heirlooms. In fact Marlene was so excited about how her customized jewelry turned out she called in to tell us about it.

You are a genius. I just received my bracelet from Lisa Lisson. I did a generation picture of my Mother and 4 Mothers going back to my 3rd Great Grandmother. It is beautiful, and sacred. Thank you for hooking up with this website, I am thrilled. You really care about me and my needs. Marlane

You can find the jewelry created by Esther's Place at our store. You'll be amazed how quickly they will create your jewelry and affordable it can be. I've got them working on a bracelet right now that features the women in my family tree.

Silver Surfers: Internet Use by Older Adults We reported on a very interesting info graphic recently on the Genealogy Gems blog called Silver Surfers: Internet Use by Older Adults

Interesting Stats:

In 2012 Baby Boomers aged 47-65 spent an average of 27 hours a week on the Internet
Of the seniors that are online, one in three are using social media.
A big change from just back in 2009 when only 13% of seniors online were using social media.
In fact 1 in 5 Twitter users are over 50
49% of online seniors have a Facebook account
Seniors aren't just socializing, they are shopping too. 59% of seniors online have made a purchase online in the last 3 months

Here's what you had to say on the Genealogy Gems Facebook page:

From Sheri: "Lisa, My sister and I met you at RootsTech this year. We're already planning next year's trip! I read the article about silver surfers and just wanted to say that when I was a kid (Fairbanks, Alaska) we had party-line phones, one TV station! My mother wrote letters to her family in Idaho regularly and long distance phone calls were very rare! I'm a baby boomer and have always been interested in technology. I do most research online with Ancestry, Fold3, FamilySearch, etc. I haven't jumped into the blogging pool but who knows! I'm currently starting to work on suggestions from your Google Earth CDs, putting together family tours. Love your podcasts. You are my favorite "source". Sheri"

From Diane: "Thanks for the article about the silver surfers. I saw you when you spoke to the San Diego Genealogical Society and learned a lot. I am a major social media user. I am on many FB groups, use Twitter, Pinterest and have my own genealogy blog. I am a baby boomer. Party lines were in use when I was a kid and for parts of my growing up our household didn't even have a phone. Here is a link to my blog."

From Sandee: "When I was a kid, we communicated mostly by letter -- which soon fell by the wayside because they...

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