Biden FBI's Widespread Abuse of Warrantless Search Powers: Shocking Revelations in FISA Court Filing

1 year ago

A 127-page court filing, which has just been made public by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, revealed over 270,000 instances of the FBI spying on American citizens WITHOUT A WARRANT. And this unlawful spying had nothing to do with foreign nationals or events.
As reported in the New York Times:
“F.B.I. analysts improperly used a warrantless surveillance program to search for information about hundreds of Americans who came under scrutiny in connection with two politically charged episodes of civil unrest: the protests after the 2020 police killing of George Floyd and the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, a newly declassified court ruling shows.”
As a basic tennant of constitutional law (i.e. the Fourth Amendment), the government has to get a warrant to do ANY surveillance on an American citizen. So what we see here is the rogue FBI just cavalierly sidestepping the law to use a program designed to spy on foreign suspects to instead spy on American citizens regarding two high-profile domestic incidents.
The Biden FBI opted to exploit section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) surveillance program, which enables them to conduct targeted surveillance of non-U.S. citizens located outside of the country to collect intelligence. It was essentially a loophole in the program that the FBI wrongfully exploited to spy on Americans here at home if they were somehow flagged as part of FISA investigations. It’s conniving behavior, not only by the rogue FBI but also by the entire Administration.
And be honest: We can all guess why. They wanted to spy on people they likely assumed had political leanings counter to those on the radical Left. In fact, the number of Americans that the FBI spied on is closer to 280,000. Would you even know if you or someone you care about was one of them?
But while this may be shocking to many, it’s no big surprise to us. Back in December, we told you that we had to file a lawsuit against President Biden’s lawless FBI for its unconstitutional spying on Americans. Now mind you, we followed the rules – we observed proper protocols by first filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, giving the FBI a chance to answer our questions by providing records. They, as is par for the Biden Administration’s course, promptly acknowledged and disregarded our FOIA. So now we have to drag them into federal court to make them answer. The American people deserve the truth, especially if the FBI is spying on them.
This is just more of the Biden Administration’s nonsensical misdirections, claiming that the biggest threat to America is domestic violent extremism. All due respect, Mr. President, while we agree that certainly sounds like a bad thing, I’m not sure it means what you think it means – or at least what you’re trying to convince the American people it means. I’d say our hemorrhaging southern border or deadly fentanyl (entering through our porous, unsecured border) are far bigger threats to every American, and I’d wager most of your constituents agree. This was just more Left-wing gaslighting to justify more unconstitutional behavior.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more analysis of this bombshell report of unconstitutional spying by the Biden FBI.

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