#MECFS Tips 💖 Try This! Practice the alternate nostril relaxation breathing practice by simply following along.

1 year ago

Alternate Nostril Breathing Instructions Given Below... Meditation has been shown to be an effective tool for reducing stress, anxiety, and post-exertional malaise (PEM) in individuals living with ME/CFS. Regular meditation practice can help to calm the nervous system, reduce inflammation, and promote feelings of relaxation and wellbeing. By cultivating mindfulness, individuals with ME/CFS can learn to better recognize their body's warning signals and respond in ways that prevent overexertion and exacerbation of symptoms. Additionally, meditation can enhance cognitive function, improve sleep quality, and boost immune function, all of which can further support overall health and well-being in those with ME/CFS.

Alternate nostril breathing, is a breathing technique hat promotes relaxation and balance in the body. To start, sit comfortably with your spine straight and your left hand resting on your left knee. Breathe deeply in through both nostrils. As you do bring your right hand up to your nose and block off your right nostril. Exhale deeply through your left nostril, then breathe deeply in through both nostrils again. And as you do bring your left hand up to your nose and block off your left nostril. Exhale deeply through your right nostril. Repeat this pattern for as long as you like, focusing on deep, slow breaths. Alternate nostril breathing can benefit people with ME/CFS or long COVID by reducing stress and anxiety, increasing oxygenation, improving mental clarity, boosting immunity, and balancing the nervous system. However, it is always suggested to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new breathing techniques or exercise programs.

💖 Full Moon Meditation | Creating a Synchronized Global Community of Prayer, Love and Meditation. 🙏Hello Everyone! As a Global Community on each New Moon let's create strong waves of the vibrational intentionality of Loving-kindness & compassion by praying & meditating together globally.

The new moon is when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from most of the Earth.

For whoever's interested, let's create a synchronized global community of prayer and/or meditation for co-creating the vibrations of love & Compassion that will emanate outward from this day onwards & forever.

The more vibrations of Loving-kindness and compassion that we can consciously and collectively generate the more loving-kindness and compassion that is permanently available in our universe for others to feel, enjoy, and be nurtured by. Join us in creating together a living, vibrating, pulsing, web of love and compassion and inspiration around the planet.

Thank you for participating with us in whatever way works best for you.
It's all good.

For people from around the world who want to participate at the same time, how about 7:00 a.m., Noon, & 7:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (GMT/UTC minus 5 hours) on the new moon.

We can also create both Prayer and/or meditation waves travelling around the planet by whoever wants to pray and/or meditate at 7 a.m., noon & 7:00 p.m. in your local time zone. (Or whenever and however works best for you.)

Do one five minute meditation or several. If a 20 minute session works better for you great. Whatever works best for you benefits all of us. You know what works best for you so find your way - a way you can get excited about and be passionate about.

We welcome all forms and expressions of loving, kindness, and compassion. Be creative. Have fun.

Lets fill the Earth and the Earths atmospheres with vibrations, quarks, particles, molecules, wavelengths and songs and poems and haikus and whatever else is of love and compassion for all that lives.

Loving-kindness and compassion are universal qualities that are in no way owned by any person or group. Anyone and everyone, regardless of nationality, race, religion, etc. is free to practice and nurture loving-kindness and compassion whenever and wherever desired.

The more loving-kindness and compassion we can actually generate in ourselves, in our lives, and in each other, the more benefit for everyone. How cool is that?

Intentionally practicing heart qualities like loving-kindness & Compassion, raises our spiritual vibration to a higher level of who we truly are. This increases our sense of Loving-kindness and compassion in the world which creates within us clearer positive choices while also giving us easier access to our heart’s intuitive guidance aligned with loving-kindness and compassion for ourselves, each other, the earth, all sentient beings & all that lives throughout time and space.

Any and all participation is welcome. Whether you plan to join us for 5 minutes or more, or in local time or synchronized time, during your lunch break, whenever and however works best for you.

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