Simple Trick Drains Sinus in 1 Move | Created by Dr. Mandell

1 year ago

ALERT…Please be aware that there are people trying to impersonate myself using my picture and similar name pretending to be me. My name has been verified (and will show a dark color around it) and there will always be a check next to it. They are making comments and leaving contact information for you to respond to. They are sometimes mentioning WhatApp phone numbers, Telegram, and other Platforms. They commonly will try to sell you some type of therapy or herbs. Please Do Not send money in any way for services, for consulting, charity, and donations. Only deal with a reputable company. Many people have been scammed already unfortunately. Please report these people. Thank you.
P.S.- If you have any doubt of the post you are reading always click on their picture and you can look at their page. You will notice in this situation there will be little or no content.

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