40 DAYS - OurOneNation Personal Challenge – One Nation Under God

1 year ago

Forty Days OurOneNation - Personal Challenge- One Nation Under God - Eric Hoff

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"40 Days" OurOneNation Personal Challenge - is a protocol, a personal challenge to all people who want to develop closer relationship with Jesus Christ and overcome the stumbling blocks that keep us from a more genuine connection with each other and with God.
When I surrendered to Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I was 33 years old. That was nearly 25 years ago. I left man’s religion behind to embrace the real deal and encountered the Living Word. It was an amazing time and it was a difficult time as well. When we move closer to true righteousness and begin to gain knowledge, wisdom and understanding in Truth… the enemy rages to stop us. We see this even today in the censorship and narrative control by the deep state, much of corporate America, and social media. When you bring the Truth that exposes their lies, they react in the same fashion as the enemy we recognize in the Holy Bible. Same enemy, different day.
My becoming a true believer, a Christian is a story that millions on the earth have already experienced and millions are about to. It is a battle for your soul.
What Jesus Christ brought to us with His life on earth, His 3-year ministry, His propitiation on the Cross on our behalf, was performed once for ALL, FOREVER.
It is finished.

We find ourselves thoroughly changed when we encounter the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords.
For me, 24 years ago, I was on fire for Jesus. It was a connection that is difficult to describe. As I was walking in the newness and discovery, as the fiery darts were flying to stop me, God was with me and it was Amazing. I will in future videos and podcasts share many of the experiences.
Over time there has been a slow erosion of that initial, vibrant, exciting walk with my “First Love,” that time when I gladly filled my lamp with the oil that burned brightly every day… the manna was fresh every day. As I look back, I noticed that my cloak is worn, my armor is dull and in need of repair, my lamp was very low on oil. I let many of the things of this world discourage me at times when I should have remembered who my God is.

So, in January of this year, (2023), I was led to give more time to OurOneNation – One Nation Under God, and to reach out to as many Patriots as possible to join with in prayer, connect and begin to walk in the power of the Lord – because the victory belongs to God.kl

I realized that in order to represent the King of Kings, I need to clean up my armor, patch my cloak, fill the lamp with oil (the oil is time spent with God – relationship). I needed a plan.

This is when the concept of the "40 Days" OurOneNation Personal Challenge began.

This will be a 40-day commitment, a protocol that will help you move into that closer relationship with Jesus Christ, that will embolden you to move into the gifts that God created in you. Keep it real, keep it simple and keep it clear. You can renew your commitment for another 40 days when completed with your first one. The Idea is that you create and define your own protocol and challenge yourself to complete your commitment. If you fail, start back at day 1.

Checklist and set goals for each area you personally wish to commit to.
1. Bedtime
Wake up time
Go to bed time
2. Hygiene
Brush teeth
3. Make bed
4. Prayer
Set goals
5. Bible study/Word/worship
Applicable to your situation
6. Chose what doors to close and close them
Shut off the “green electric slime” deep state controlled MSM propaganda and entertainment.
b. Shut off the enemy’s access to your life – through music, Pharmacia, Porn.
Identify Truth and choose Truth
7. Chose what doors to open and open them
Seek out Christian/Conservative/America first media and entertainment
Support them, join them, become them.
8. Exercise/activity
Set goals for your health – choose your own workout program, give it a time allotment each day. Could be walk. Could be a gym workout. Could be stretching… you decide.
9. Hydrate
Drink lots of water
10. Take pictures
11. Record daily weight
For your eyes only…
12. Nutrition/diet
Pick a diet and stick to it
13. No Alcohol/drugs
14. Organize
Get rid of clutter
Get rid of things you do not use or need
Sell junk and use money for something special
15. Seek to connect with new friends
Take steps to get to know your neighbor, or new people that you can share your life in Christ with.
16. Misc
You may have a area not mentioned here that you want to add. Add as many as you feel you can honestly commit to.

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