The Truth About Biden's Million Dollar Motives #biden #china #bidenfamily #barizma #ukraine

1 year ago

Consider this....

From @PBDPodcast Clips Episode - Whitney Webb

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"If you see whatever family didn't need money is the family that typically cannot be controlled. Whoever can be moved by money, I mean, you realize Biden's are doing what they're doing for a million dollar check. You realize how pathetic that is? You can buy Biden's for a million or $10 million. I think it's concerning to put somebody like that in power. I mean, the American political system, the way it has operated for decades rewards behavior like that, you know, and the problem is how do we shift it away so it doesn't reward that behavior?"

#money #controll #biden #milliondollar #americanpolitics #shorts #patrickbetdavid #pbdpodcast #whitneywebb #conspiracy #bidenfamily #barizma #ukraine

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