Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 - #3 U.S.D.D. [Alex Mason Returns To Washington D.C./Assassinate JFK]

1 year ago


""Back on US soil, meet with senior officials to discuss the threat posed by General Dragovich."
— Briefing
"We are in grave danger from the Communists. Our freedom, our very way of life is at risk. I’m told you are the very best we have... anywhere. You will need to be... Mr. Mason, take care of it."
— President John F. Kennedy to Alex Mason
"U.S.D.D." (United States Department of Defense) is the third campaign mission in Call of Duty: Black Ops. It is similar to "The Coup" of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare as they are both mainly cinematic levels and have presidents with pistols aimed at them. The mission takes place at the Pentagon on November 10, 1963 following Alex Mason's escape from Vorkuta."

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