Diving THE RED SEA - Egypt - Underwater Video 4K - BLUE PARADISES (S01)

1 year ago

The Red Sea, these three words resonate like a promise of wonder.
And it is obviously one of the 7 wonders of the underwater world.
The great explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau once said "We protect what we love", and we love the Red Sea so much. Colorful coral reefs, immense pinnacles, caves and endemic species immerse you into an extraordinary universe.
in this magical atmosphere you will cross the path of the schools of Anthias, titan triggerfish, octopus, oceanic whitetips, clown fish, barracudas, parrot fish, turtles, soldier fish, reef sharks, eagle ray, crocodile fish, etc. … to name just a few species among the thousands that abound in the Red Sea.
If you want to dive into this aquatic poem, let the rays of light guide you through atmospheric caves, from world-class wrecks to protected marine areas you will discover so many treasures.
The Red Sea will offer you legendary pelagic dives all along the east coast of Egypt.
If you are an underwater cameraman, photographer or just a diver looking for underwater beauties, We recommend these few places we explored : Maras Shagari, Savage, Elphinstone, Maras Nazari, Dolphin House Reef, Horchata, Dahab Sharm el Sheikh, Maras Allam, etc., … Knowing that many others deserve a bunch of dives like Big Brother, Little Brother, Daedalus,
Harbor , Tonfa, Rahami South, Abu Garawa Small, Shaba Claudia, Banana Reef, Shaba Angel, Shaba Malachi, Abu Nahass reef, Shark & Yolanda Reefs...and we are probably forgetting many others, knowing that you can also dive in the Red Sea from Jordan, Sudan, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia or Eritrea.
Keep your eyes wide open, relax and enjoy the magic of the Red Sea
For those who do not know the Red Sea, we hope that this video will make you want to dive there and for others to come back.
To conclude, one or two tips for our friends underwater filmmakers or photographers: focus on the magic hours for filming, 6 a.m. and 3 p.m./4 p.m. The light is strong and the visibility pretty good, so up to 20 meters deep you won't really need a filter (if your white balance is properly adjusted). Beyond 20 meters, plan to take a red filter with you.

THE RED SEA is the first part of the triptych of subaquatic poems "Blue Paradises"

Where is the best scuba diving in the world ? We still don't know,...so let's keep diving and filming :)
New adventures are coming very soon and this is going to be quite a ride !!!!!

Fly & Dive is a production and stock footage company specialized in lifestyle, travel, environment, wildlife, heritage, people and aerial filming.

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