The FULL Guide To Start Dropshipping in the UK: How We Did It (Dropship Unlocked Podcast Ep 11)

1 year ago

🗣️ Welcome back to the Dropship Unlocked Podcast! In this episode, hosts Lewis Smith and James Eardley tackle a topic that many of our listeners have been asking about: How to launch a dropshipping business in the UK.

Lewis shares his expert insights and actionable steps to help you take your first steps towards building a successful dropshipping business in the UK.

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Topics Discussed:

★ Set Mindset: The starting point for dropshipping success. Resilience, growth mindset, and staying focused. Importance of taking action and treating it like a job.
★ The importance of the right mindset for launching a dropshipping business. Overcoming challenges and staying motivated. Embracing change and seeing obstacles as learning opportunities.
★ Choosing high-ticket dropshipping as a business model. Higher profit per order and fewer orders to meet income goals. The significance of data-driven decision-making and finding the right niche.
★ Setting up the business foundations. Registering a limited company for legal protection. Choosing the right bank for your business account.
★ Choosing products to sell. Data-driven validation criteria for product selection. Balancing passion with profitability and proven business models.
★ Building your online store. Shopify as the recommended platform. The importance of a Minimum Viable Store (MVS).
★ Starting to sell. Setting up a Google Ads Performance Max campaign. Understanding daily budgets and adjusting tROAS for scalability
★ Scaling and sustainability. Onboarding Virtual Assistants (VAs) for efficiency. Developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for consistency. Gradually increasing ad budget and raising tROAS for profitability.


Links and Resources Mentioned:
➡️ - Dropship Unlocked free training on high-ticket dropshipping.


Key Takeaways:

★ Mindset is crucial for success in the dropshipping journey, embracing resilience and a growth mindset.
★ Choosing a high-ticket dropshipping model can lead to higher profits with fewer orders.
Registering a limited company and setting up a business bank account are important foundational steps.
★ Product selection should be data-driven, focusing on customer demand and proven success in the dropshipping niche.
★ Shopify provides an excellent platform for building your online store, starting with a Minimum Viable Store (MVS).
★ Identifying UK suppliers and establishing communication through phone calls can lead to successful partnerships.
★ Google Ads Performance Max campaigns are effective for generating sales, with adjustments for scalability.
★ Scaling and sustainability involve onboarding VAs, creating SOPs, and gradually increasing ad budgets.




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How to Launch a UK Dropshipping Business Offering Next-Day Delivery...
...Even If You Don't Yet Know Which Products To Sell
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