Touching Moment: Watch A Crested Lark Mother Feed Her Adorable Baby Bird

1 year ago

When the baby crested larks hatch, both the male and female parents take turns feeding them. The parents bring insects, such as beetles, ants, and grasshoppers, to the nest to feed the hungry chicks.

The parents usually regurgitate the food for the chicks to eat. They will also break up the food into smaller pieces to make it easier for the chicks to swallow. As the chicks grow, their diet will gradually shift to include more seeds and less insects.

The feeding process is an important time for the parents to bond with their young and teach them important survival skills. The parents will also protect their young from predators and keep them warm by brooding them under their bodies.

Watching a crested lark mother feeding her baby bird can be a heartwarming sight, as the parents work tirelessly to care for their young and ensure their survival.

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