12 Times Otters Took It To Their Enemies

1 year ago

12 Times Otters Took It To Their Enemies
Many animals don’t fare well against otters. Even snakes and alligators consider them formidable opponents. They are true carnivores with strong jaws and big, curved canine teeth capable of snagging salmon. Sea otters also have retractable claws on their front paws, allowing them to maintain a razor-sharp edge. How well do you think coyotes match against otters? What about the Jaguar? It’s time to find out as we countdown 12 times otters took it to their enemies.

Otter Vs Caiman

One of the toughest animals in the Amazon jungle is the giant otter. They are constantly surrounded by black caimans, anacondas, jaguars, and pumas. In our first clip, two otters have six pups to protect and train in the ways of the jungle. This otter father has a lot on his plate when a caiman approaches the family looking for a meal. The two otters do not waste any time and surround the caiman, striking first before the caiman can cause any damage. The cubs panic and unintentionally follow their parents into battle, which is not a good thing. Now, the parents must continue fending off the caiman and worry about the pups being killed.

But the adult otters intensify the attack and prevent the caiman from escaping. The damage is done, and the caiman is history, but not without killing two of the cubs. This next clip shows an otter walking close to two caimans on the beach and just rolling over in the sand. This otter does not look one bit worried about the caimans. It is clear the caimans don’t want to mess with this otter. Our next clip shows a family of otters avoiding a caiman attack. It was a close call, but everyone is safe. Otters seem to manage very well when confronted with caimans.

Otter Vs Snake

These otters seem to be having fun with this snake. The snake slips from the otter’s grasp, but the otter snatches it up again in seconds. This looks more like activity at the park than a fight. Our next clip shows an alone otter "playing" with a dog-faced snake in a mangrove swamp. It is fascinating to watch the otter attempt to capture the snake in a cat and mouse game, but the otter does not bite the snake to kill it right away. It kind of just nibbles on it and lets it swim away momentarily. When the snake thinks it is getting away, the otter catches up to it and snatches it up again. It is kind of a cruel game if you ask me, but I guess that’s the way otters do it when they are tangling with snakes.

Occasionally, the otter submerges, looking for the snake, and eventually finds it and eats it. This next otter has a more formidable opponent to deal with. It looks like some type of python, possibly an anaconda, so the otter better is careful. The otter sees the snake and taunts it. The snake lays still as if it is analyzing the situation. The otter sticks its nose in for a whiff and the snake strikes but misses. The otter retreats into the water, which may not be a good idea, since these types of snakes are even more dangerous in the water. The otter decides the fight is not worth it and swims away. Smart decision by the otter.

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