How Amnesty International funded by UK/US Gov’t engaged in subversive activities

1 year ago

How Amnesty International funded by UK/US Gov’t engaged in subversive activities & fake news harms HK 由英國美國政府資助的國際特赦組織如何從事顛覆活動和假新聞危害香港

Amnesty International received £842,000 in 2011 from the UK Department for International Development as part of a four-year award commencing in 2008 and totaling £3,149,000.

And in 2009, Amnesty received €2.5 million from governments. The British government was the third largest donor (€800,000). Amnesty also received government funding in 2008 (€1million), 2007 (€1 million), and 2006 (€2 million).

£259,000 in 2007 from the European Commission.

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