Fake Biden Falls Off Stage After Graduation Ceremony in Colorado

1 year ago

Fake Biden Falls Off Stage After Graduation Ceremony in Colorado
Joe Biden tripped and fell after he handed out the last diploma at a graduation ceremony at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. The White House reported that the president was feeling fine.
It is probably just an act, played by a Face Mask Actor to provide the False Pretense of Senility to Protect the Puppet from Retribution, and Remove him from Office without Legal Persecution.
To remain free from Legal Responsibility, during the Iran Contra Trials, all Regan had to do is claim: I DON'T REMEMBER, and he walked away with no further questions.
That however will not work with the mountains of evidence against the Biden Crime Family.
That is why they will do whatever it takes to keep Fake Biden from his Day in Court.
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