Ch 22 The Expanding Universe

11 months ago

Ch 22 The Expanding Universe
Cass is back in the Bat Family and pretty soon, other heroes in the universe starting getting notice like heroes with super speed, heroes that fly, and heroes that could talk to fish.

The citizens in Gotham City, loves the Bat Family so much, that they have Batman merchandises like t shirt ,stuff animals, etc.
One day in Gotham, The Bat Kids were in Gotham trying to search for crime, Cassandra with her new suit heard a bank alarm North of Gotham City and that when the Batwave turn on.
The Bat Kids went to the building . No one is getting out of the bank.
The criminals are actually escape the back at the door. Bat Family quickly went to action.
Tim went down and he is about to attack the criminals. The criminals started running away but Stephanie as Batgirl came in front of the criminals. “Sorry guys, robbing a bank is an obvious crime” Stephanie said looking at the suitcase full of money.

The criminals quickly got out there guns , but the Bat Kids quickly took the criminals out.
“Alright, our work here is done” Tim said as he giving Stephanie and Cass a high five.
All of the sudden the Batwave turn on again showing the location of all of the banks in Gotham.
“It's not over yet” Cass said, as the bat kids about to move out. The criminals that rob the banks went to the Iceberg Lounge
Inside the Iceberg there were table with fancy tablecloths ,fishtanks and a ice saluter of a penguin.
It was a nightclub that opens 4 hours because like Ice Scoopers before Bruce brought it, it was own by aa secret criminal organization.

Most criminals went to an office which is Oswald Cobblepot office aka Penguin.
Penguins office has cages of parrots, crows and pigeons.
The Penguin is in the office and the criminals give him suitcases full of money.
“Great work guys, haha” Penguin said grabbing the money. The next night The Bat Family are in the Batcave is wondering why all the banks are robbed.
“Probably the Riddler," Batman said as he looking at the bank security cameras from last night.
“Hmm, maybe we should follow those guys threw the security and check wear there went with all that cash” Ellen Yin said telling Bruce an idea.
Batman follow the criminals threw the security and then that when Batman know that the criminals went inside the Iceberg Lounge.
“Wait, is that the nightclub that this Penguin guy own?” Tim said recognizing the location. “Let's go” Cass said about to suit up with her suit.
“Hold it, we don’t want crash in the nightclub because there a party,” said Batman taking off his mask.
“Here the plan,” Bruce said getting out of his computer chair.
Later there was a party at the Ice Lounge with party music.
Penguin is in the part having some champagne with his criminal friends.
After the party the Penguin went back to his office about to relax in his chair.
But then Batman appeared in the shadow , in the corner of Penguin’s office.

“Ah, Batman you almost give me heart attack”Penguin said about to call for backup.
Batman grab Penguin. “I heard that you are stealing money from every bank in Gotham” Batman said not happy.
Then Batman let go of Penguin and Penguin quickly garb an umbrella on his desk.
Fire came out of Penguin’s umbrella because it actually a flame thrower.
Batman dodge the fire and he quickly grab Penguin.

Soon Penguin was send to Arkham.
One night later Bruce in the Bat Family all of the sudden there an unexpected report in Gotham City on Bruce’s Bat Computer.
The report said that there was an accident at the circus game that is happening during the night.
“Hmm,Ellen and I well go investigate the accident” Bruce said as he suiting up a Batman.
Batman and Batwoman went to the circus tent East of Gotham.
Gordon and the other police officer are investigating the scene.
“What happened Commissioner?” Batman said as he looking around the circus tent.
“Two acrobats lost there lives and there are a part of the team called the flying Graysons” Commissioner Gordon said as he give Batman a picture of the flying graysons.
Batman saw the photo the Grayson and he saw a kid acrobat.
The kid is a 14 year old boy with black hair and named Richard Grayson.
Batman started to have flashback about his parents.”Are you alright there Batman?” Batwoman said wondering if Batman ok.

“Wear the kid?” Batman said to the Commissioner. “He police station for now, we might find someone to take him” Gordon said.

Pretty soon Batman went back to the Batcave.
In the Batcave is searching up the history of the Flying Graysons.
“What would happen to that kid?” Batman said taking of his mask.
“What kid?” Tim said trying to upgrade his Bat Bot.
“Nothing, you need rest you have another hockey game tomorrow night” Bruce said turning off his Bat Computer.


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