Combat work of paratrooper units

11 months ago

Combat work of paratrooper units

On one of the directions of the special military operation, a unit of the Airborne Forces unit repelled a counterattack by Ukrainian formations. With the receipt of a combat mission, the paratroopers occupied the indicated area, previously taken by assault detachments of the Airborne Forces, where they equipped strongholds.

During the course of duty, the observer noticed the movement in the trenches of an armed group of Ukrainian formations, which he immediately reported to the unit commander. It was decided to eliminate the enemy. Russian paratroopers advanced towards the Ukrainian militants preparing to attack, and with aimed fire from the AGS-17 Flame automatic grenade launcher, as well as RPG-30, RPG-7d anti-tank grenade launchers, as well as the Fagot ATGM, inflicted fire damage on the Ukrainian unit. Later, the fire of the armoured group on the BMD-2 and from small arms and grenade launchers, the guards completed the destruction of the enemy.

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