Broken Vessels

1 year ago

When we have had a storm come in and the waves have been crashing into the shores of the beach, one thing you notice is that there are a lot of broken shells. Makes sense, the power of an angry wave breaks shells. It is like that in our culture, a lot of chaos crashing in on the shores of our nations. We can’t help but be affected by the storm that is upon our nations where morality has taken a nose dive and children are paying the high price of the bad choices of adults. There are a lot of broken people and broken people break people. Brokenness reproduces itself as broken people lash out against the world and the people all around them. We should not despair about the state of our nations, because God is still here, reaching for us. God has not abdicated His power to evil, He is working all things out for the good of His people. Living life in vital-vertical relationship with God is where our wholeness is restored and beautified. There is wholeness for our soul when we live in a relationship with God. God makes broken vessels beautiful. Are you broken? Connect with God today and begin your journey with Him towards wholeness. God makes beautiful broken vessels of light that pierce the night with the power and glory of His life. God, we pray You would revive your people once again, make us whole again as we connect with You, Heart To Heart.
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