11 Times The Komodo Dragon Went On The Attack

11 months ago

11 Times The Komodo Dragon Went On The Attack
Komodo dragons are the world's largest living lizards, and they have some fascinating skills and characteristics that might pique your interest. However, for your own protection, it's best to learn about them from videos rather than seeing them in person. If you have never seen a Komodo attack its prey, you are in for something different, trust me. It’s not pretty, so I’m warning you, but if you like gore, then you’re at the right place as we countdown 11 times the Komodo Dragon went on the attack.

Komodo Vs Deer

The Komodo dragon is a beast, and it has absolutely no empathy for its prey. This monster hunts and eats its prey alive just like in this video. Not only is the Komodo eating this deer alive, but the deer is pregnant and the Komodo is going to eat the fetus as well. This is not a sight for the faint of heart. It reminds me of the gore movies of the eighties. I can’t believe the deer is still alive after the Komodo has pulled out most of its insides. This is the grossest thing I have ever seen. A few more Komodo’s join the feast. The Komodo just bites into its victims tearing pieces of flash at a time, while the victim sits there, enduring the pain. There must be a better way. What a cruel animal this is! These dragons are trying to get to this deer in the water, but the deer knows better and stays away from them. It’s only a matter of time before the reptiles get what they’re looking for.

On the coast of Komodo Island, a deer with a wounded left leg was soaking in seawater when a Komodo dragon attacked and dragged it onto the beach to share it with its friends. In a full sprint, a Komodo dragon may reach speeds of up to 12 miles per hour. The average human sprints at 15 miles per hour, so that gives you a fairly good idea of how fast a Komodo is. Let’s check out what this Komodo can do after it sees a few deer in the forest. He is a hungry fella and it’s time for lunch, so he takes off and begins his chase, but the deer scramble and take off. You can see how fast the dragon is and eventually catches up to this deer. These dragons are the worst killers I have ever seen.

Komodo Vs Buffalo

Komodo dragons dominate the habitats in which they reside due to their size. They are carnivores, and even though they are thought to feed largely on carrion, they also attack live victims by ambushing them. They’re sneaky that way! This video is not for the faint of heart. Once again, the mighty Komodo is at it, but this time, it’s a buffalo calf that’s on the menu and the dragon is enjoying its meal in front of the calf’s friend. These Komodo dragons are tearing to pieces this young calf and eating it alive.

The mother of the calf is helpless and just watches its calf being served for lunch. This baby buffalo is taking a beating with its mother watching. What is it with these buffalo moms not trying to save their young? Another animal would fiercely fight the Komodo if its babies were threatened, even if it meant death. Komodo’s are so powerful and when they target prey, like this young buffalo, there is no getting out for the victim. I guess it can only hope for a quick death, although it looks more like a slow one.

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