15 Vicious Moments Of Animal Mothers Saving Their Babies

1 year ago

15 Vicious Moments Of Animal Mothers Saving Their Babies
Some mothers in the animal world are extremely protective of their offspring. Although some may have a hard time fending off attacks by voracious predators, most will try to protect their young to the best of their abilities. If you feel like cheering for moms, you’re at the right place as we count down 15 vicious moments when animal mothers saved their babies.


Squirrel mothers are fiercely protective of their young. As a result, they'll seek out the greatest locations to raise their young, far from predators and the elements. Your moist, quiet, and dry attic could be great for a new mother and her babies. Squirrels make excellent moms and, if given the chance, will return for their young. Watch this mama squirrel make sure these crows don’t harm her blind baby. She immediately goes and stands by its side and follows its every move to make sure the birds don’t attack it. The crows are patient and insist, but the squirrel doesn’t leave her youngster alone for one second. If a nest is discovered or disrupted, they can relocate the babies to a safer location. The gestation period of a squirrel is around a month and a half. The female squirrel manages to seek food and protect her nest while pregnant. This mother is fearless when she sees a crow approaching her tiny baby. She rushes to the crow several times to scare it off, but crows don’t scare off that easily.

You can see the baby squirrel just pop out onto the grass, not aware of the threat since mama is doing such a good job of defending it. She'll stockpile food for the coming months while still eating enough to feed her growing babies and replenish her own nutrients in preparation for breastfeeding them once they're born. Because the male squirrels refuse to assist her, she'll be busy. Squirrels are cooperative with one another in general, however, they do not reside in groups. The exceptions to this norm are ground squirrels, who are quite communal, and squirrels who like to nest together for warmth. Even then, they do not share meal services. Each squirrel is intended to establish a region of his or her own. A female squirrel will decide to build a new nest during this time if she believes her current location is undesirable or unsafe for her offspring. In this video, this mother squirrel moves her babies from this rooftop to a better and safer location. It’s comforting to see that such a small animal is so loving and caring with her offspring.


Like most mammals, buffalo give birth to live calves. They normally only have one calf at a time, and the female will carry it for nine to eleven months before giving birth. After birth, a buffalo calf will stay with its mother for three years. Female calves will remain with the female herd, while male calves will be moved to an all-male herd. Females become pregnant every other year. The mama buffalo in this video is fearless when a lioness snatches her calf. The buffalo goes straight for the lioness holding the calf notwithstanding the fact that there are another 4 lionesses that could jump her at any second. For some reason, they don’t, and the buffalo comes out of the bush with her calf, unscathed. Kudos to the mama buffalo on this one. What a demonstration of extreme courage and bravery. This leopard gets a piece of its own medicine when it tries to kidnap this buffalo calf. The mother immediately attacks the leopard, pounding into it with its horns. The leopard has no other choice but to abandon the hunt before it becomes the hunted.

A Cape Buffalo has just given birth to a newborn calf in this incredible footage shot in Kenya's Lemala Conservancy. The mother successfully defends her young calf against a clan of spotted hyenas. The hyenas can get a brief bite on the calf every now and again, and you can hear the calf bellowing when this happens. Despite the predators' repeated attempts and the fact that the mother is surrounded, the hyenas are stopped at every turn. The mother fights valiantly to protect her calf until the calf's heightened bellowing alerts the buffalo herd to come to her aid. Surprisingly, the calf grew stronger by the minute as it became more at ease on its legs. When buffalo decide to work together, they can be so effective making it impossible for most predators to have a successful hunt.

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