Weaponization Of Government Against Private Citizen And Death American People's

11 months ago

The United States House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government is investigating alleged abuses of federal authority, including collusion between federal agencies and private sector entities to suppress conservative viewpoints. The committee has broad authority to subpoena law enforcement and national security agencies, including with regard to ongoing criminal investigations. The committee will hold a hearing on Thursday, May 18, 2023, to hear from three FBI whistleblowers and examine abuses seen at the Bureau and how the FBI has retaliated against whistleblowers. The Biden administration has shown a repeated pattern of hostility toward the U.S. Constitution and the citizenry it serves. Recently, the FBI raided the private residence of journalist James O’Keefe allegedly searching for a missing diary belonging to President Biden’s daughter.

In just eleven months, the Biden administration has shown a repeated pattern of hostility toward the U.S. Constitution and the citizenry it serves.

Most recently, on November 6, 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided the private residence of journalist James O’Keefe allegedly searching for a missing diary belonging to President Biden’s daughter. O’Keefe was reportedly handcuffed, in his boxers, and detained as two of his phones were confiscated by federal agents.

This federal raid on a private citizen-journalist is just the latest illustration of the Biden administration’s casual contempt for the citizens it serves. Through their efforts to coerce, intimidate, and pry into the affairs of ordinary Americans going about their lives, the administration and congressional lawmakers have served notice that they see the federal government as a blunt instrument designed to extract obedience from subjects they believe they rule.

The Internal Revenue Service Wants Access to Bank Accounts
In order to finance the initial version of their radical $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” reconciliation bill, lawmakers included a provision that would have required financial institutions to report transactions of $600 or more for individual bank accounts to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This provision received intense backlash and has since been revised to cover $10,000 transactions, exempting wage income processed by a number of payroll companies.

The IRS has a history of data breaches leaking sensitive tax documents for hundreds of thousands of citizens. By forcing financial institutions to spy on account holders for the IRS, this invasive provision increases citizens’ vulnerability to future financial data theft by hackers and other malevolent entities, including the Chinese Communist Party. Even beyond hacking, the IRS has a poor record as a custodian of taxpayer information. Just this year, the private financial information of some of America’s wealthiest citizens was leaked to ProPublica. And within the last decade, the IRS engaged in a targeted campaign against designated conservative organizations that delayed their tax-exempt applications and intentionally subjected right-leaning organizations to unnecessary information requests.

Moreover, this plan may represent merely the first step in a broader government intrusion into ordinary Americans’ private affairs. The initial $600 threshold proposed by congressional Democrats would have provided the federal government access to nearly every working American’s bank account, facilitating audits and further intrusive monitoring and regulation of Americans’ personal finances.

The current proposal represents a foot in the door for revised policies under future administrations shifting the threshold downward to cover more Americans’ bank accounts as banks become accustomed to the process. Given the ambitions of progressives to exclude disfavored transactions such as gun sales from the financial system, Americans should regard this proposal as the first step in the construction of a de facto social credit system aimed at effectively freezing the assets of citizens who possess the “wrong” views on politics.

The Department of Justice Thinks Concerned Parents Are Domestic Terrorists
On September 29, 2021, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) sent a letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) requesting federal assistance in targeting concerned parents at local school board meetings. Disturbingly, the NSBA letter suggested that parents, many angry over the teaching of radical Critical Race Theory in the classroom, mask mandates, and prolonged school closures, were potentially guilty of participating in “domestic terrorism.”

The letter, which was rescinded only after massive public blowback and the withdrawal of many of the association’s state school board affiliates, also requested that the DOJ bring in elements of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division and National Security Branch to assist in targeting parents accused of “malice, violence, and threats.”

Five days later, on October 4, 2021, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memo repeating the unsubstantiated claims from the NSBA and directing the FBI and U.S. Attorneys to “convene meetings with federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial leaders in each federal judicial district within 30 days of the issuance of this memorandum” to “facilitate the discussion of strategies for addressing threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.”

A DOJ press release on the same day announced that a task force consisting of the DOJ’s Criminal Division and National Security Division would determine how to prosecute these “crimes.” The most high-profile incident of a parent being “unruly” occurred in Loudoun County, Virginia, where a father confronted the school board for covering up the rape of his 15-year-old daughter in the women’s restroom by a male dressed as a female. Subsequent disclosures have revealed that White House staff coordinated with the NSBA to generate the letter that served as the pretext for Attorney General Garland’s directive to federal prosecutors.

Despite intense questioning from several senators on the Judiciary Committee and a missed November 1, 2021 deadline to provide the Senate with the evidence that resulted in the crafting of the memo, Attorney General Garland and the DOJ have proceeded with their task force in a clear effort to intimidate parents exercising their First Amendment rights to assemble.

Biden's Crime Family And Kids​ With Sex Crime Against Young Girls And 13 Dead Body's


A woman's body was found inside a freezer on biden family property and now the whistleblower is dead now and body is moved and now its missing ? wow. Despite the overwhelming evidence no one will be charged in this crime at all?


The Department of Labor Wants to Penalize and Investigate Your Workplace
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released its “emergency temporary standard” (ETS) on November 4, 2021 that would have unlawfully and unconstitutionally mandated that every employer with more than 100 employees force its employees to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment. This action represented a violation of President Biden’s previous commitment in December 2020 that he would not support a federal vaccine mandate.

But the mandate was not just a broken promise. It was also illegal. The courts have temporarily barred the Biden administration from taking any “steps to implement or enforce the mandate until further court order,” prompting OSHA to suspend its efforts to implement the ETS. The mandate had previously been slated for implementation on January 4, 2022. If the Biden administration overcomes the current stay, the OSHA vaccine mandate would impact well over 80 million American workers, constituting nearly 50 percent of the total U.S. workforce.

The proposed mandate would have functioned through a penalty imposed on any employer who refuses to cooperate and violates the OSHA policy. This penalty would have included a $13,653 fine per violation against businesses and a $136,530 fine for “willful” or “repeated” noncompliance. Furthermore, the OSHA rule:

Claimed to preempt any state or municipal workplace requirements
Claimed unlimited authority to be changed or updated as appropriate
Required employers to force unvaccinated employees to wear face coverings indoors
Required employers to display CDC information on the vaccines
Required employers to determine the vaccination status of every employee
The ETS contained no carve-out for truckers, employers, or industries critical for the ongoing supply chain crisis (other than for federal contractors covered under another mandate). Additionally, OSHA planned to deploy inspectors to investigate workplaces reported or suspected to be in violation of the mandate.

The Biden administration is weaponizing the federal government against the American people. Its efforts to coerce financial institutions to spy on the bank accounts of American citizens on behalf of the IRS, chill the First Amendment protected expression of concerned parents at school board meetings, and force employers to require their employees to inject medicine into their bodies as a condition of employment reveal that this war against the rights of the American people is only escalating.

Former President Ronald Reagan famously quipped that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

For tens of millions of Americans, no truer statement has ever been uttered by a politician.

In the last 20 years alone, the federal government has foisted a failed No Child Left Behind policy on American students, expanded Medicare and hastened its insolvency, outlawed the Edison lightbulb, raised both food and fuel prices by mandating ethanol in our gasoline, rewarded reckless big businesses with “too big to fail” bailouts, crushed community banks through Dodd-Frank, created an unaccountable and unconstitutional consumer regulatory agency, moved millions of otherwise healthy Americans into an expanded Medicaid program, and forced massive cost-driving regulations on health insurance through the passage of Obamacare, canceling millions of previously-held policies overnight.

And that’s just scratching the surface.
Decades of bipartisan spending binges have the United States hurtling toward $30 trillion in national debt. In the last two decades, the U.S. national debt has more than quadrupled.

It’s not just that our current trajectory is fiscally unsustainable, it’s that it is fundamentally responsible for much of the deep distrust Americans have in their elected officials. With each big government boondoggle and failure, millions of Americans are negatively impacted. In many instances, one group of Americans reap the benefits at the expense of another.

The consent of the governed has been increasingly weakened over time. Fidelity to both the spirit of the Declaration and the wise limitations of the Constitution have strained to their breaking point.

The result is increasingly fragmented communities, corrupt institutions, rampant cynicism toward fellow citizens and elected officials, and a civil society that no longer shares an understanding of what it means to be an American.

The Center for Renewing America is committed to opposing big government for its intrusiveness, cost, and tendency to crowd out a vibrant civil society on which healthy communities depend.

The threats to our communities, our families, and our faith–the pillars that allow us to live out our freedom–are vast, real, and increasingly hostile.

Among these threats is a radical philosophy, rooted in Marxism, known as Critical Race Theory. This framework views all of society through a racialized prism of identity groups, with minorities being the oppressed and white people serving as the oppressor. Where Karl Marx separated society into the capitalist bourgeoisie and the oppressed proletariat, adherents of Critical Race Theory have substituted race for Marx’s class and economic distinctions.

Proponents of this radical belief system have succeeded in pushing their ideology into nearly every facet of American society. Their goal is to tear down and destroy institutions that they claim serve as “white dominant” power structures that perpetuate societal ills. It is no coincidence, therefore, that nearly all of these institutions or “systems” mirror Marxism’s alleged culprits: capitalism, the nuclear family, a republican form of government, rule of law, and Christianity.

The widespread manifestation of Critical Race Theory into K-12 curricula and “diversity training” around the country has become an increasing flashpoint as outraged parents, families, citizens, and communities aim to push back against this corrosive worldview. The imposition of state sanctioned racism by progressive ideologues is intended to corrupt children and future generations into both self-loathing and hatred toward their fellow countrymen.

Proponents of Critical Race Theory use our university campuses to radicalize our own children, transforming them into angry “successor ideology” activists. They use their control of HR departments and boardrooms of corporate America to impose this radicalism in all private workplaces. Their organized mobs terrorize private citizens with a “cancel culture” that seeks to erase the people and ideas who refuse to adopt their totalitarian mindset.

Ultimately, these radicals seek to erase the American idea that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Center for Renewing America knows that in order to revitalize the American spirit and restore our great nation, this far-left ideology must be defeated. We are committed to that mission and stand ready with millions of citizens to stop this radical cultural revolution.

Weaponization of government for political purposes "Never in my lifetime did I think I will see an American law enforcement agency be run and weaponized like the FBI last evening. This is a frightening development in our modern political arena" – Ben Carson after the raid on Mar-a-Lago Throughout my career, I was very involved in building many of the security programs now being weaponized against conservatives, so this whole situation is deeply personal. I spent over 20 years in the field of national security and am an expert in terrorism prevention programs.

On August 8, 2022, a swarm of FBI agents descended on Mar-a-Lago, the personal residence of former President Donald Trump. They executed a criminal search warrant, which is something that has never happened to a U.S. president in our nation's history. The Department of Justice went to a judge under seal so the affidavit supporting the warrant was not disclosed and is still unavailable to the public. Several boxes of information were removed from the home, and Trump's attorneys were not allowed to escort the agents during the raid. This is just the latest in a string of events, signaling to the American people that the federal government's power is being weaponized for political purposes.

It all began in 2016 when the FBI began surveillance of a Trump campaign advisor Carter Page based on falsified evidence provided to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). The FBI also conducted an improper investigation of the four-star general and former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Michael Flynn. He gave 40 years of his life serving in the U.S. military but was indicted on an obscure law prohibiting unauthorized diplomatic contact. Subsequently, Trump was accused of persuading Ukrainian President Zelensky to initiate investigations into the Biden family and was brought up for impeachment. Despite the public smearing and costly legal defense of all those involved, as well as the needless waste of taxpayer dollars, both the FBI and the DOJ were forced to publicly apologize for misleading the FISC in the surveillance of Carter Page, who was never charged with a crime. All charges were also dropped against General Flynn after four devastating years. Though Trump was impeached along party lines through Congress, the Senate court ultimately voted to acquit him of the charges.

Once installed into power after the contentious 2020 election, the militant Left continued its witch hunt against conservatives. We saw parents suddenly labeled as domestic terrorists for passionately opposing the indoctrination and over-sexualization of their children. Next, it was the January 6 trials that landed people like Dr. Simone Gold, a renowned doctor and lawyer, in prison for entering the Capitol and taking pictures. Moreover, the whole country witnessed the despicable lack of respect for the sanctity of the Supreme Court after overturning Roe vs. Wade.

Protestors were allowed to gather outside justices' homes in an attempt to intimidate them, with minimal police interference. Justice Kavanaugh thankfully survived an attempted assassination plot; however, dozens of pregnancy centers were vandalized, and several burned to the ground. Most recently, the new Inflation Reduction Act authorized 87,000 new IRS agents who must be willing to use deadly force if necessary. We cannot ignore that the target of their increased capacity will most likely be opponents of the militant Left's agenda — not only conservatives but also churches and organizations that support biblical values in all segments of our society.

The intention of the homeland security apparatus created after 9/11 was to prevent foreign-led terrorism perpetuated against U.S. interests. Whether U.S. soldiers fought overseas to capture or kill known terrorists or prevention programs were put in place in the U.S., the underlying principle was stopping foreign recruitment of Americans for terrorist attacks against U.S. interests, either domestic or overseas.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court provides investigatory powers to the government against foreign threats and is without defense counsel review to protect top-secret national security information. It was never intended that these programs would be used to stop the constitutionally protected activities of Americans. It is very problematic when counter-terrorism resources are repurposed to crush American political opponents.

I recall meetings with representatives from social media giants like Google and Facebook, where we pleaded with them to remove the accounts of suspected foreign terror recruiters. At the time, they were extremely hesitant about interfering in the free speech arena. They were uncomfortable about making a judgment call on who was a potential terrorist. They did not want to be seen as an arm of the U.S. government, yet over time, their attitude clearly changed. Now, these same social media giants close the accounts of anyone they ideologically disagree with. Consequently, supporters of international terrorism, like members of the Iranian government, have unfettered ability to post online, but people who support the right to life, oppose forced vaccines, or, dare I say, are Trump supporters, get regularly banned or suspended.

I remember how libertarians used to warn against the overreach of law enforcement caused by the new clandestine national security network and the potential for abuse. Many of us experts didn't believe them, but now we see that danger coming to pass. The perilous consequence of this abuse of power is dividing our country.

Though the enemy used to be just foreign actors intent to harm Americans, the new public enemy appears to be American conservatives and people who hold biblical values. Let's hope Congressional leaders will come together and investigate the miscarriages of justice and the erosion of our constitutionally protected right to religious freedom, free speech, and political opposition.

For believers, though there are dark days ahead of us, we must always remember our trust and our hope is never in earthly things. Our faith and trust are only in our God, our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are invincible until God calls us home. We all have an expiration date, and we won't live one minute more or less. That surety in God and His protection should be a great source of comfort, regardless of what happens in the world around us. "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand'" (Isaiah 41:10).

WASHINGTON, D.C. – America First Legal (AFL) has demanded that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General investigate blatant double standards of justice at the Biden Administration’s DOJ, which was made apparent with yesterday’s raid on former President Donald Trump’s home in Florida.

Dozens of FBI agents raided President Trump’s home yesterday, not only shocking the conscience of our Republic, but clearly demonstrating the Biden Administration’s double-standard system of justice. Yesterday’s raid provides yet more evidence that partisans are comfortable abusing DOJ and FBI’s law enforcement resources for partisan gain. Other examples of DOJ’s abusive and tyrannical conduct over the last 19 months include, but are not limited to:

No investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop, which has been in the possession of the FBI since 2019 and purposefully kept under wraps, labeled as “disinformation,” and with no prosecutions for obviously unlawful conduct;
Substantial evidence of public corruption, massive foreign kickbacks to President Biden and his family, including collusion with multiple foreign governments by the Biden family, including Joe Biden, his brother James Biden, and son Hunter Biden; Clear unlawful activity by the Obama-Biden FBI in colluding with the Hillary Clinton campaign to propagate and disseminate the Russia collusion hoax, including obtaining warrants with the FISA court based on a dossier the FBI knew was false.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s issuance of the infamous October 4, 2021 memo that unleashed federal enforcement officers against parents speaking up at school board meetings to protect their rights to parent their children;
Failing to enforce federal criminal statute 18 U.S.C. § 1507 against pro-abotion groups such as “Jane’s Revenge” for picketing and threatening the lives of Supreme Court justices outside their homes and summer homes, as well as for attacking and burning pregnancy centers.

American citizens sitting in jail while awaiting January 6th-related trials, and otherwise indicted on charges to force plea deals, while the DOJ blatantly ignores and fails to prosecute violent Black Lives Matters, Antifa, and other protestors who engage in criminal actions such as burning a federal courthouse and decimating cities to rubble.

Disparate treatment of Jeffrey Clark, Peter Narvarro, Roger Stone, and Paul Manafort, among others, with the purposeful intent to humiliate and intimidate not only these individuals but the American public generally;
Actions by the Obama FBI against Carter Page and General Michael Flynn that the FBI knew were false.

Hillary Clinton’s creation and maintenance of a private email account in violation of law, and subsequent deletion and acid-washing of 33,000 emails, including emails labeled as “top secret/special access program level,” yet facing no legal consequences whatsoever by the FBI;
Inaction by the FBI regarding the illegal retention by the University of Delaware of records of Joe Biden when he was Senator.
Statement from America First Legal Vice-President and General Counsel Gene Hamilton:

“Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has made one thing abundantly clear: there are two standards of justice in America. One standard for political opponents of the administration, and one standard for its friends. Time and again, Attorney General Merrick Garland has either deliberately weaponized the Department, or failed to prevent his subordinates from doing so. The Department of Justice’s Inspector General has a choice: will he conduct a thorough review and leave no stone unturned in an effort to address blatant politicized activities at the Department, or will he let the broader Department and the Office of the Inspector General cement their reputations as left-leaning, agenda-driven entities? Time will tell,” Gene Hamilton said.

The House voted Tuesday afternoon to establish a new special panel to probe what Republicans call the "weaponization of the federal government."

The subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee would have extraordinary power to investigate any part of the federal government for perceived wrongdoing against conservatives -- the Justice Department and FBI, in particular. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, is expected to take over the Judiciary subcommittee as Republicans say they are making final assignments.

At a news conference Tuesday following a closed-door meeting of House Republicans, Majority Leader Steve Scalise outlined the establishment of the "weaponization of the federal government" panel as among the GOP's first priorities.

"We're going to set up that Church committee to look at some of these federal agencies that are weaponizing government to go after families across this country based on their political views. That's not what the government should be doing," said Scalise, comparing the body to the so-called Church committee of the 1970s, in which Democratic Sen. Frank Church led an investigation of intelligence abuse by the executive branch.

Scalise said the House will also vote on separate legislation Tuesday to create a new select committee on U.S. competition with China, which won bipartisan support.

But overall, GOP leaders took the chance to tout differences between predecessors and the now-Republican-controlled House.

"Not only did we get rid of proxy voting, we got rid of virtual hearings in committee," Scalise said. "We're going to be back in person again, and we're going to be having field hearings," he added, promising hearings on the immigration crisis to take place "at the border."

With new rules changes, here's some of what House Republicans outlined for their first full week:

What did McCarthy agree to with hard-liners?
Faced with questions about a three-page addendum to the House Rules package passed Monday night, detailing other concessions McCarthy made to critics to win the speakership, Scalise and others downplayed the document they said McCarthy detailed at a closed-door GOP conference meeting earlier Tuesday but did not release publicly.

"There's no addendum. I wouldn't call it an addendum. I think our speaker put it up on the screen today..." said GOP Whip Tom Emmer. "He made it very clear that there were no gavels given out. There were no deals like that that were made."

ABC News reported last Thursday of an offer McCarthy made to GOP hard-liners opposing his bid for House speaker, including making it easier to bring a vote of no confidence to the floor, among other concessions.

'Weaponization of the federal government' subcommittee
Despite concerns from Democrats, Scalise said the new select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government will serve "to protect every American's constitutional rights."

In a straight party-line vote, the House voted 221-211 to establish the panel.

The panel will have the authority to investigate how the federal government and private companies collect and analyze information on Americans, along with "ongoing criminal investigations" and civil liberties issues, according to the text of the resolution. The mandate could set up new fights with the Justice Department and national security agencies over sensitive records and probes -- including those involving former President Donald Trump.

The panel would also get access to highly classified information typically only shared with the House Intelligence Committee.

Democrats charge Republicans could use such broad new powers to disrupt ongoing probes into the Jan. 6 attack and Trump's handling of classified documents.

"Jim Jordan and Kevin McCarthy claim to be investigating the weaponization of the federal government when, in fact, this new select committee is the weapon itself," New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, said in a statement. "It is specifically designed to inject extremist politics into our justice system and shield the MAGA movement from the legal consequences of their actions."

But unlike how Republicans reacted to the Jan. 6 select committee, Democrats don't plan to boycott the panel and its hearings, a senior Democratic aide told ABC News. The committee would be made up of 15 members appointed by McCarthy, as speaker: Nine Republicans and six Democrats.

Competition with China subcommittee
The House also voted Tuesday afternoon 365-65 to create a select committee on the "Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party," which will aim to end critical economic dependencies on China.

The select committee, which will hold hearings, investigate, and submit policy recommendations, will be run by Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis. The speaker will appoint up to 16 members to serve on the committee. Seven will be Democrats selected in consultation with Minority Rep. Hakeem Jeffries.

In a speech on the floor earlier in the day, Speaker McCarthy said, "I want this committee to last beyond who's in the majority and never ever be decided that this is a partisan committee."

"I've heard my colleagues on both sides say that the threat posed by Communist China is serious. I fully agree. This is an issue that transcends political parties. And creating the Select Committee on China is our best avenue for addressing it," McCarthy said.

Notably, House Democrats did not whip members to vote against the new China select committee.

Rescinding IRS funding
Republicans are parading the party-line vote held Monday to rescind IRS funding under the Inflation Reduction Act as an example of the GOP keeping its promises post-midterms, despite the bill being unlikely to pass the Senate.

"Our first bill will repeal funding for 87,000 new IRS agents, because the government should be here to help you, not go after you," McCarthy said upon taking the gavel early Saturday morning.

Scalise claimed Tuesday the Congressional Budget Office said that the additional IRS agents "would be set up to go after hard-working families across this country" and "people making less than $200,000 a year," referring to an estimate from last August to swipe at President Joe Biden's campaign promise.

Republicans also claimed through the midterms that some of the IRS agents would be armed, but both claims are misleading.

The IRS has said it plans over the next decade to use the roughly $80 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act to update its systems after years of under-funding by Congress, and hire and train new agents, only a small fraction of whom -- in the Criminal Investigation division -- would be armed. Not all of those would be new agents.

A new CBO score also found that the Republican bill passed Monday would add $114 billion to the deficit.

Abortion bills
In addition to the two votes on Tuesday to create new subcommittees, House Republicans teased more votes for later this week taking on abortion rights.

"We're going to pass the Born-Alive Act," Scalise said, noting every Republican was a co-sponsor of the bill last Congress but lamenting that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wouldn't bring it to the floor. "In our first full week, we're going to actually bring that bill up for a vote."

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act legislation, proposed by Rep. Ann Wagner, R-Mo., would force health care providers to care for a child who survives an abortion, which is exceedingly rare.

Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People?


Nobody Is Safe From People's Republic Of The Tyrannical U.S.A. Government And Death To The Unvaccinated America People And American Nation CDC director says coronavirus outbreak ‘becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated’ How the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated people of the world for a darwinian perspective. As of 27 May 2023, the 10 leading causes of death accounted for 74.5% of all U.S. deaths in 2021, according to the NVSS. The US has recorded more than 47.7 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and more than 771,500 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University data. The global total for COVID-19 cases and deaths is more than 257.8 million cases and 5.15 million deaths, according to the CDC. More than 196 million Americans, 59.1% of the population, are fully vaccinated. The disease was reported as the underlying cause of death or a contributing cause of death for an estimated 377,883 people in 2020, accounting for 11.3% of deaths, according to the CDC. P.S. Exposing U.S.A. Gov. Their Lies!

Why U.S.A. Government CIA-DOJ-FBI-Etc. Killing Thousands Whistleblowers Dead


Why Weaponized The FBI, DOJ, CIA, & Congress Into Political Tools Are Killing Thousands Whistleblowers Dead ? The survival of democracy requires vibrant public spaces, both offline and online, where individuals can collaborate, organize, and go about their personal lives without fear of constant surveillance.

You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments


Once you see this you'll have no faith in these people again! The system-serving airheads that should be tried and imprisoned for crimes against humanity like most politicians, oligarchs, globalists and most medias. So many innocent people of all age groups have died or been severely injured for life after listening to the advice of Hollywood celebrities, talk show hosts and politicians regarding the vaccine for covid-19. It’s right that medical ethics should be highly scrutinized, especially in cases like the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out where the process has been accelerated. However, it’s important not to mix up the atrocities of the past with current debates about medicine and policy.

Decoding 100's Illuminati Symbolism Pyramid All Seeing Eye And 666 Hand Gesture


Decoding 100's Illuminati Symbolism “Coraline” one eye with 666, everything becomes clear through the pyramid all seeing eye. Left eye path symbolizes clear vision, and the right eye in the occult symbolizes darkness. Horus and Lucifer has one eye. Hand signs of the Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet world leaders and celebrities while the unsuspecting masses remain ignorant. Like Illuminati symbols, only Illuminati insiders are aware of the true meanings hidden behind the signs, hand gestures or semaphores. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?

Creepy Pedophile's Uncle Joe Played Out Over 33 Million Dollars Sexual Assault Claims


Creepy Pedophile's Uncle Joe Biden Has Been Accused 696 Times of Sexual Assault And Some Whistle blowers Are Dead Now. Where Is the #TimesUp Movement? The controversy over Joe Biden’s treatment of women, explained An old-school politician in a #MeToo world. A former staffer of Joe Biden has come forward, alleging that he sexually assaulted her while he was a Senator. She had initially approached the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund but they turned her away, citing fears over accusing politicians. This reveals the inherent contradictions of Time’s Up.

UN Report Calls For Decriminalization Of Sex Between Adults/Children Age 8+Up


UN New Legal Principles Launched On International Women’s and Trans Women Day to advance decriminalization efforts In March 2023, UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), along with the International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) published a group of "new legal principles" that would advance "decriminalization efforts" globally. Principle 16, titled "consensual sexual conduct," stated that sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual.

Truth Behind Meat Production Chicken Waffle Beef Burger An Eye-Opening Exploration


Narrated by Oscar-nominee James Cromwell, this powerful film takes viewers on an eye-opening exploration behind the closed doors of the nation's largest industrial farms, hatcheries, and slaughter plants -- revealing the often-unseen journey that animals make from Farm to Fridge. If this documentary moves you, please take a moment to consider if these animals lives are worth taking for merely taste. Thinking about going vegan? The Truth About the Meat Industry.



The AR-15/M-16 Is a regular rifle. Is it because it’s black and scary looking? Is it because it’s a semi-automatic? Is it because the leftist media says so. What’s the difference between these two rifles. The top is the AR-15/M-16. The one under it is the Ruger Mini-14/ Etc.# Guns. One is black, the other has a normal looking wooden stock. Guess what? They both shoot the same 5.56x45/.223 cartridge. They are both semi-automatic. both will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. So, if you’re afraid of the AR-15 because it’s black and scary looking, it’s time you grew up and act like an adult. If it’s because the leftist media says so, then it’s time you start thinking for yourself. The AR-15/M-16 has the same sporting purpose as the Mini-14 / Other Guns. Hell, it has the same home defenses or sporting purpose as any rifle.

Docs Worldwide Warn You to Not Take the Covid 19 Vaccine Will Kill You Dead Soon


32 Doctors from 11 Countries warn against taking the COVID-19 Vaccine. The COVID vaccine has proven NOT SAFE nor EFFECTIVE, it has not been properly tested and should not be given to humans, the animals died! In addition, there is not a clear definition of any new disease for which it can be tested against. There has not been a virus that has been purified or shown to the cause of an illness. There is reason to believe the COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous and deadly.

‘We The People’ vs. ‘Us The People’

Q: Populists often stress democratic values by invoking the phrase “we the people,” but lately they’ve taken to using it not just as a subject but as an object as well. Thus: “We must never allow [insert villain] to trample on we the people!”

A: “We the people” is a subject; “us the people” is an object. Here’s how they look in sentences:

“We, the people, elect our leaders. Our leaders are elected by us, the people.”

In both of those noun phrases, “the people” is an appositive. It identifies or explains the preceding noun or pronoun by using a different term (like the name in “My son, John”).

We’ve written on the blog before about appositives, which are sometimes surrounded by commas, as in our examples above.

An appositive never changes the case (that is, subject or object) of the pronoun it follows. That’s why the entire phrase “we the people” is always a subject and “us the people” is always an object.

The words “we the people” resonate with Americans because they introduce the Preamble to the Constitution:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” If ever a phrase deserved proper handling, it’s “we the people.” It’s demeaned when misused as a grammatical object (as in, “Don’t trample on we the people!”).

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