
11 months ago

#stopasianhate #stopracism #veryasian #stopbill251#supportasians

Asians don't get support and respect compared to other racial backgrounds. Racism incidents have happened to Asians back when we stepped foot on foreign soil.
The Chinese migrant workers did the most dangerous jobs to build the railway, got paid less than others, and didn't get credit for it. Chinese immigrants were hit with the Chinese immigration Act in 1885, limiting the immigrants coming in.
During World War 2, after Imperial Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Japanese immigrants lost their jobs and belongings; even the new immigrants. All of them were taken to concentration camps due to accusations made that these immigrants were supporting Imperial Japan.
When the Korean immigrants came and had jobs, the African American community accused them of stealing jobs from them, and the Koreatown Riot happened; having the police to get involved.

When the coronavirus pandemic started in March 2020, many Asians have been mistaken for carrying the coronavirus, which has been proven false.
Former US President Donald Trump has used the terms China Virus and Kung Flu which is both racist and the proper scientific terms are coronavirus and COVID-19.
Most attacks have happened in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver, Calgary, New York City, Toronto, Montreal, Chicago, Boston, and other places where the Asian population is high.

Some Asians became victims of racism, like Korean American reporter Michelle Li who got hated on for saying what she ate on New Year's Day, and started the hashtag #veryasian
Korean Canadian DJ and guitarist Dabin (Dabin Lee) talked about being a victim of racism, where he got mistaken for a Chinese person, purposely called North Korean, and called the c-word (a racist term against Chinese and Korean people). He also points out that people endorse Asian culture but don't respect Asian people.
Last year, 8 Asian American women were killed in Atlanta who were running a therapy shop, which also is partly a sex shop, meaning a therapy place where you rub body cream, relax, and get massages. They got accused of human trafficking and got shot by police without proper investigation.
In British Columbia and Ontario, Asian immigrants have fallen victim to racism; being accused of human trafficking. Many owners and staff of therapy shops with sex work have been arrested without proper investigation in their business or legal consent.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford passed Bill 231, which is a breach of privacy, allowing police and social workers to do investigations without legal consent. This affects people of all races, women, youth, and immigrants along with sex workers.
A lot of this happens in Newmarket, which Asian Canadians have held protests against police officers and social workers who are using this bill against them.

There's also the problem with people trying to gain popularity off Asian made things, like MrBeast, or misled in information about Asian immigrants or Asian people off of content like the Netflix version of Kim's Convenience , Squid Game, and other Korean made shows also on other media sites.

Even if some laws have been put in place to protect Asian communities, and current US President Joe Biden enacting a bill to support investigations on hate crimes on Asian people, it's not enough.
The black, Latino, native, and LGBT people have gotten more support than Asian people have ever received.

Please report any Asians being targeted with racism physically, verbally, and cyber, and show all proof to the police. Contact Asian support groups too

As Korean guitarist and producer Dabin Lee mentioned, people are endorsing Asian culture but not accepting Asian people, and think they have a right to make fun of us for our differences. It's rude.

NextShark by Benny Luo:

Dabin Lee:

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