Eustace Mullins lecture at "Conspiracy Con" (May 2002).

11 months ago

0- 5:00 Anthony Hilder introducing Eustace Mullins as the greatest living researcher in America today (May 2002)).
5:04 - 1:56:20 Eustace Mullins lecture
1:57:54- 3:51:44 Question period for all 7 Guest Speakers who are Eustace Mullins, Jordan Maxwell, Anthony J Hilder, (Ret) FBI Ted Gunderson, Colonel Bo Gritz, Eric Jon Phelps, Norio Hayakawa, Walter Bowart).
I added the Q&A part of this 2002 conference to Eustace Mullins lecture video as it is worth listening to as all these great researchers are asked about WHO is really at the TOP running this whole world government agenda for 100's of years and you hear many of them say it goes beyond the Luciferian members/bankers of the CULT to an anti-human demonic force controlling this Satanic Cult (Hierarchy pyramid of power structure controlling both sides), etc.... It is SPIRITUAL WARFARE between DARK & LIGHT beings and LIES Vs TRUTH.

Eustace Mullins has been researching & studying this stuff since meeting his mentor Ezra Pound in the late 1940's. Jordan Maxwell has been studying the Occult full time since 1959, Anthony J Hilder since 1967, Ted Gunderson since after he retired as the head of the FBI LA dept in 1979. I am guessing that Bo Gritz became interested in this since 1976 when the US Military introduced SATANISM as a religion in the military that outraged him and many others.

Eustace talks about being with Bill Cooper who was killed 6 months before this lecture. Since being a researcher and exposing the tyranny he tells the stories of them harassing him as a truth teller including the FBI and talks about his mentor Ezra Pound who they harassed for exposing the fraudulent Federal Reserve and other things as well and they put him in jail for 13.5 years until Eustace got him out in 1958. Eustace served in WW2 and met his mentor Ezra Pound (Who was also a mentor to Ernest Hemmingway & a couple other famous writers). Talks about the Israeli 5th column in the USA holding it prisoner. Names the NEOCONS. He says the FBI has had him under surveillance for 33 years. Talks about the lying Mainstream Media lying all the time including both world wars. Central banks put up the money to finance the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917 to bring in communism. Goes through the FALSE FLAG attacks of 9/11 which happened 8 months before this talk and Oklahoma city bombing. Says Government has to keep lying to defend all the conspiracies they are involved in and he says he can't keep up with all the conspiracies that are happening. Cold War was a $5 trillion dollar hoax and was all about Israel and documented. Says no one will debate him. NATO is the Nazis of today as they carry out the Hitler plan. Everything these people do is FAKE & LIES. The INSIDERS know which way the markets will go ahead of time. Lots of information from Eustace.

Eustace Mullins was ahead of his time as a researcher/truth teller seeing through the LIES of this CRIMINAL CULT by researching as he was one of the first to write a book about the fraudulent privately owned US Federal Reserve in the 1950's.

In the Q&A at the end they mention movies that they believe reflect our reality. Colonel Bo Gritz says the 1988 movie "THEY LIVE", Jordan Maxwell says the 1970 movie "TERRORISTS IN THE STREETS" and the host says "THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE BELL" (1970). So for those who haven't watched them I found 2 of them.

They live (1988)

The Brotherhood of the Bell (1970) - starring Glenn Ford

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