PDP - Ep152 - Building Your Tribe: Using Dog Training Philosophy

11 months ago

I. The Importance of Building Tribe
What does it mean to have “Tribe”. Define what Tribe means.
Why is this an important topic to discuss in today’s climate?
Why are we connecting Dog Training and Building Tribe? We often take our connection with the dogs for granted, and how much similarity there is between our interpersonal connections and our connection with our dogs.

II. The Foundation: Trust and Respect (Link to Dog Training)
-Discuss the importance of trust and respect in dog training.
-Translate these concepts into building human relationships within your tribe.
-Building a Tribe doesn’t mean that you are close friends with everyone and that you would trust them to have your back. It is about having a network that offers mutual benefit to both parties.

III. Clear Communication: The Key to Successful Training and a Thriving Tribe
-Discuss the role of clear, consistent communication in dog training.
-Explain how these principles apply to human interactions within a community or tribe.
-We often make the mistake of thinking we have to share everything about our lives with every member of our Tribe. There are many different levels to your Tribe, and communication should be catered to each accordingly.

IV. Positive Reinforcement: Encouraging Desired Behavior
-Talk about the concept of positive reinforcement in dog training.
-Discuss how this can be adapted to encourage participation, engagement, and positive behavior within your tribe.
-Always remember that relationships go both ways. You want to be a benefit to each member of your network as well as find members of the network that can benefit you. You get more of what you encourage and less of what you discourage…generally speaking.

V. Handling Conflict: Lessons from Behavior Correction in Dog Training
-Discuss techniques used in dog training to correct undesirable behaviors.
-Explore how these strategies can be applied to conflict resolution within your tribe.
-Don’t make the mistake of thinking that every disagreement is worth arguing over. It doesn’t matter the political perspective of your butcher or plumber. It is more important to find the areas where you have common ground to build a relationship.

VI. Consistency and Routine: Building a Reliable Tribe
-Discuss the importance of consistency and routine in dog training.
-Translate this to the building of reliable relationships and regular engagement within your tribe.
-Invest into the people in your tribe. You can do this be supporting their business and proving to be a loyal customer. You can do it by having bar-b-que and developing closer relationships with certain people.

VII. The Role of Patience and Persistence in Training and Tribe Building
-Discuss the need for patience and persistence in dog training.
-Relate this to the time and effort required to build a strong, connected tribe.
-This is not an over night experience. I have been at events where people are running around frantically trying to build a Tribe in a weekend. That is not how any of this works.

- Websites: fortressk9.com ; fortressk9.com/puppies ; k9academy.us
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