The keys to a fantastic dog || promo video ||

11 months ago
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The best way to use them is to rotate them, so your dog doesn’t get bored and you can even make your own to save money. Put some treats under tennis balls in a muffin tray, make holes in plastic bottles or hide treats in a rolled-up tea towel.

Work on impulse control
Unlike humans who consider the consequences, dogs react instinctively to situations and need to be taught impulse control to keep them safe and under control.

For example, if a dog sees food, they eat it; teaching them to be calm and wait until you give the command to go ahead and chow down is a hard thing for them to learn and takes lots of energy.

You can work on different things each day, such as making your dog wait for your signal when the door is opened to enter another room, not chasing after a ball until you release them. All these things will produce a more well-behaved, balanced dog.

Dance with your dog Activities to do with pets blog

Why not turn on some music and take your Furbaby around the living room for a twirl. Not all dogs like to dance, but it’s a great way to improve balance and coordination while having fun.

Start simply and take it slow, teaching one move at a time and be careful not to overdo the jumps and twists. You will have a routine down in a few weeks and can start putting on shows for friends and family; you never know you might have the next Pudsey.

Try clicker training
If you haven’t tried clicker training with your dog, you really should. Sometimes our voices can be a distraction when training, we don’t use the right tone, or our dogs find it difficult to understand what we want them to do. Using a clicker eliminates all that!

The trick to clicker training is timing; you must click and reward at precisely the moment your dog does what you want. Like anything worthwhile, it takes practice, but just a few minutes a day will see results and training is a great mental workout.

Have a game of fetch
Fetch is an excellent game to burn off extra calories when a walk isn’t feasible if you have room. Just be sure to remove all objects, use a soft ball and play on a non-slip surface, so your pooch doesn’t hurt themselves.

This game will release pent up energy, relieve anxiety, and curb destructive behaviours; it will burn calories and is ideal for those dogs carrying a few extra pounds.

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