Conscious Teachings 32 - Ancestors

11 months ago


Many of you came here to become a lighthouse to many. What that means is, you are here for a reason. And that reason is, that you are important. You might not see it, but you are. You came here to be the One, who will speak out for all of your lineage. What that means is, you will speak out for those who have been silenced. You came into this existence to speak your truth. Your truth will break the cycle in your lineage of ancestry. You will become the ambassador for your ancestors who lived in silence. When you voice out of what it is you feel, you are breaking up that cycle. You are the One, who will become the lesson to the Ones who tried to silenced You.

This artwork will assist those who are willing to be guided by their ancestors. If you spend 15 minutes per day meditating on it, you will be assisted in a way, that will help you voice out whatever it is, that needs to come up to the surface. You will always be reminded to speak the truth however hurtful might be for you or others involved. You will be forced to authentically speak your truth. There are no partial truths, there is only One truth.

To read to whole blog post we invite you to read the post here: ⁠

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All Energy Artwork will be available to order. I accept inquiries on my email: ⁠⁠
Background Music by Lexin_Music from Pixabay

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🔆Listen to audio recordings on Apple podcasts:
🔆Other Teachings:
🔆All Energy Artwork will be available to order. I accept inquiries on my email:

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