How to get the airlines to credit you if the price of your tickets goes down

11 months ago

How to get the airlines to credit you if the price of your tickets goes down
This little secret is confirmed to work for American Airlines, Delta, and Southwest.
After you purchase tickets for a flight, do price tracking on Google and make sure you set it, so you receive updates as prices fluctuate. At some point you may get an alert that the price of tickets has dropped significantly. At that point, call up the airlines and ask for flight credit for the discrepancy. Now you will have credit towards a future flight. All it takes is some extra monitoring and a 30 minute call to a customer service agent. You will be surprised how helpful they can be! This works even for tickets that are nonrefundable.
This will not work for basic economy tickets because a lot of airlines restrict those.
Also, if your plans are flexible, you can check with the airline to see what options you have for changing your flight.
This trick will also work at some hotels. Monitor those prices as well and call for a price adjustment.
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