Simon & Kim On The Final Closing Of Love Earth Swiss Organic Oils collaboration...

11 months ago

Love Earth Swiss Organic oils last 10 days - 25% off sale.
Go to website for information and mention CC for the discount to be applied. New system will be in place for early July but shop is finally closing for good in 10days. Last chance, so don't miss out, as these entourage oils are getting more difficult to acquire. Please visit for ordering and payment information with customer service. We flow like the river.

So happy to announce that a new Love Earth Yurt space is up and running. All CC members will be given 25% off any events at the Yurt, including the first Chant Breath Dance weekend since last year on the farm. Situated on stunning estate in Surrey Hills near Guildford, the first one is on 23rd June to 25th June. All CC members get a 25t% discount on all events.

Heart Ceremony holds the free ceremonial breathworks every Tuesday 630 PM UK time with AOB and Love Earth. You can sign up for events and get your 25% off. So see you there and later in year we will organise a special CC stand alone event for local members. Please sign up for events and summer schedule, which hopefully will include an event with Simon and Becky later in summer.

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