Ismael Perez: Truth or Undercover Agent? Psychic Reading

11 months ago

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Ismael Perez Psychic Reading notes:

other psychic:
Wants to fit in, won't do something bold unless he is backed up and considered socially acceptable.
Running from something, being quick paced in his work. Working for a TV company. Social influence through media or politics, possible related to family planning.
Has guidance from women about what to carry out with what he does. Lots of paperwork.
"He's still part of the problem" because he is about what is acceptable to the mainstream, similar to the idea behind the food pyramid being good.
Elana Danaan: Sad, corruption. Only seeing one mainstream angle, missing bigger picture.
Michael Salla: Not the solution.
Cutting corners, deceptive, but open about himself in some way too.
He doesn't work by himself.
Who pays him? Word Extopo came up, reminded of Gestapo (secret police of Nazi Germany).

I see a star, I see someone in the spot light. This person has experience being in the spotlight. He is able to perform very well and even amuse people if desired. I see a pen with a hidden blade inside of it, this seems like there is a sneak attack involved. This is to target specific individuals, specifically female (not trying to see this). Planets and solar system being explained in detail to make sense of something. This seems scientific, but also theoretical. He seems to have done a lot of research, but also had some help with his theories. I again see a stage, as if this has been scripted to a certain degree. He does seem to believe some of the conections he is making, but he also is beinng fed lines. There is an interesting collaboration between those writing his script and his ability to add to it and adjust it. he has a big influence on the script and the direction it is heading. It is not set in stone and a lot of it is open for him to do whatever he wants with. It seems there is info about the planets and the way the universe is set up that he relies on as something to base all his claims around. This seems like it is fabricated, but built on truths. He doesn't even know the real situation and uses science to add to his theory. He likes to add scientific truths to his presentation and actually finds that interesting to explore and learn more from. He doesn't now if what he is saying is true or partially true or anything else. On some level he is learning and exporing these possibilities himself through this process. He feels that some of it is true and that some of it is probably way off in regards to the bigger picture of what is going on. He is told to stick with this narrative and destroy anyone who contradicts it. This has been rehersed but also he has trained to learn a lot fo information through this rehearsal. This feels governmental, but it might not be the literal government that we think of. They have gone over many many situations and questions that may come up. He has been working with these people for a very long time. It seems the last 10 years or so he has been working on this project to work through social media. He is mostly left on his own now to perform on his own. This is to distract from other mesages encouraging people to reach out to positive ETs (not that all are positive). He feels that he is doing good by infiltrating a group and taking down the leaders in order to improve society from becoming radicalized, so he feels it is best to keep those radicalized within their grip of control. I also get that there is info that "they don't need to know" and it can be misused. His goal is to lead people down a path that leads no where rather than have radicalized movements.
He seems militant. He has connections to intelligence, but he doesn't actually know much about the real situations going on in the subjects that he talks about. I see his future being that of attacking statements and individuals that he has been assigned to discredit. He may loose popularity but have a cult following that stay with him for about 8 years (2031).
Undercover CIA agent? Ismael Perez debunked.

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