Fossil 37.2 - 30.8 Million Years Old Found in South Dakota White River Formation #treasure #viral

11 months ago

Early Mammal Fossil

Discovered in Western South Dakota, the White River Formation

Estimated Age is between 37.2 - 30.8 million years old, - Ealry Oligocene Epoch

It's an Early American Mammal Bone. This is believed to be a part of a lower forward left side jaw bone of a small deer. You can see the part of a tooth that is still in the jaw bone.

I have a European deer mount that I did last year, that I will use as a comparison. This is one of the coolest finds and one of my favorite pieces of treasure that I have.

The White River Formation is a vast area it's famous for its diverse and well-preserved mammal fossils that date from the late Eocene to early Oligocene.

Throughout the late 1800s and continuing today, scientists and institutions from all over the world have benefited from the fossil resources of the White River Badlands.

The Oligocene Epoch, right smack in the middle of the Tertiary Period, although it lasted a "short" 11 million years, several major changes occurred during this time.

These changes include the appearance of the first elephants with trunks, early horses, and the appearance of many grasses & plants that would produce extensive grasslands in the following epoch, which was the Miocene.

The White River Badlands are internationally famous for having the richest deposits of Oligocene mammals known today.

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