Forever Young: Witness Japan's 92-Yr-Old Fitness Guru | Top 5 Foods

11 months ago

Get ready to meet the incredible Takishi Mamika, a 92-year-old Japanese fitness trainer who is breaking records and inspiring people worldwide. Join us as we delve into the secrets of her youthful appearance and boundless energy. In this video, we'll explore Takashima's daily diet in detail, discovering the nourishing foods that help her maintain her vigor and vitality.

Takishima's day begins before the crack of dawn, as she rises at 4 am to kick-start her morning routine. Starting with a refreshing glass of water, she embarks on an impressive walking and jogging session, covering a total distance of eight kilometers in just two hours.

Following her invigorating workout, Takishima enjoys a well-balanced breakfast around 7 am. Her anti-aging Japanese breakfast is packed with protein and fermented foods that provide essential probiotics. Join us as we uncover the exact components of her morning meal that keeps her feeling young and healthy.

One of the staple foods in her diet is natto, a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans. Although its slimy texture may not appeal to everyone, natto offers numerous nutritional benefits. With a higher concentration of probiotics than non-fermented soybeans, natto aids in nutrient absorption and promotes a healthy digestive system. Whether you choose to prepare natto at home or find it at a Japanese grocery store, this fermented delight is worth a try.

In addition to natto, Takishima enjoys yogurt, which is rich in calcium, B vitamins, and other essential minerals. She suggests pairing yogurt with honey to balance the flavor of natto. Her breakfast spread also includes a light salad comprising lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, and lean ham. Furthermore, she introduces us to tukmano, a Japanese pickle fermented with salt, toasted rice bran, and kelp seaweed. These pickles aid digestion and are packed with beneficial lactobacillus.

Takishima doesn't believe in staying sedentary for too long, even during relaxation time. She incorporates movement into her daily routine, whether it's walking around the house on tiptoes or maintaining proper posture while watching TV.

When it comes to lunch, Takishima keeps it light yet energizing. She opts for a single banana and a probiotic beverage called Yakult. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, while Yakult provides a sweet and fermented milk drink infused with beneficial bacteria.

After a full day of instructing fitness classes, Takashima understands the importance of nourishing her body with a nutritious dinner. Her dinner plate typically features lean proteins such as fish and chicken thighs, accompanied by carrots and rice cooked with salmon flakes. She also includes rachio pickled Japanese scallion, tofu, boiled spinach, Korean kimchi, natto, a lettuce salad with tomatoes and chicken, miso soup, and beans. Each item on her plate serves a unique purpose, providing her with the necessary nutrients to repair and grow muscles, healthy fats from fish, protein from chicken and tofu, and a range of vitamins and minerals from the vegetables.

Takishima's diet exemplifies a healthy and balanced approach to mealtime. By incorporating a variety of protein sources, vegetables, fermented foods, and whole grains, she nourishes her body to stay strong and vibrant. With this exceptional diet, Takashima proves that age is just a number and that prioritizing our health and well-being can lead to a fulfilling and active life, regardless of our age. Let's take inspiration from her remarkable journey and make conscious choices about the meals we consume to prioritize our own health and vitality.

Join us in celebrating the extraordinary Takishi Mamika and discover the secrets behind her incredible fitness and age-defying lifestyle.

Start 0:00
Takishima BREAKFAST 0:52
Secret Japanese Food for Anti-ageing (Takishima eats at every meal) 1:06
Takishima Mika LUNCH 2:45
Takishima Mika DINNER 3:14

#diet #longevity #health

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