It’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL: Supreme Court’s Decision ENDS Biden Debt Forgiveness

11 months ago

In addition to yesterday’s monumental victories at the U.S. Supreme Court, the Court just delivered two more huge rulings today in defense of the Constitution and free speech.
First, the Supreme Court rejected Biden’s $430 BILLION student loan forgiveness plan. This morning, in a 6 to 3 decision, the high Court ruled that the HEROES Act does not grant President Biden the authority to forgive student loans, despite his promises to do just that. This decision comes after Biden vetoed a Senate resolution to strike down his debt forgiveness program.
This one really cuts to the heart of Presidential powers and what he can and cannot do. Even powerful members of the Left have said that Biden could not just wave a magic wand and make student loans go away. The Supreme Court made the correct – and really the only – decision they could make in this case.
But don’t misunderstand – no one is saying that the student loan industry isn’t unfair, and in some cases even predatory. There are real problems that need to be addressed. Young Americans are being saddled with astronomical debt to go to college only to receive a degree that most likely won’t lead to a job which pays a salary commensurate to what they need to pay back in loans. But that is an issue for Congress first. We can’t believe we’re going to say this, but Nancy Pelosi got it right. The President can’t just say, “I’m going to wipe these off the books.” Because guess who has to pay for it? You, me, and every other American taxpayer.
The Supreme Court also delivered a ruling in a case involving a Colorado graphic designer who refused to create a website for a gay wedding because she said it was against her personal religious beliefs.
This is not a religious case, nor is it an attack on the LGBTQ community. It’s simply a free speech case. No one can force an individual to say things or do things that are against their beliefs. This would be tantamount to forcing a kosher deli to serve pork, despite their beliefs. It’s absurd. In this case, the graphic designer even said she does work for gay and lesbian clients all the time – she just didn’t feel comfortable making the website for a wedding. And whether you agree or you don’t, we should all agree no government should have the power to make her. Otherwise, what will they force you to do next?
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes further analysis of both of these major Supreme Court decisions, and the impact they’ll have on future cases. We’re joined by ACLJ Senior Counsel and former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who offers his own reaction to the student loan ruling. We’re also joined by ACLJ Senior Advisor Ric Grenell to discuss the current status of the Biden Administration’s attempts to create a new deal with Iran.

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